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    Lediga platser | Doktorand inom idrottsvetenskap, inriktning Psykologi, till Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, i Stockholm | Ansök senast den 15 november 2021

    Doktorandprojektet genomförs i samverkan mellan GIH och Avonova Hälsa AB inom ramen för E-PABS under 2022-2026. Doktorandtjänsten innefattar kliniskt arbete med patientgruppen på Avonova Hälsa AB med handledning från såväl GIH som Avonova Hälsa AB. Doktoranden får erfarenhet av vetenskapligt arbete och produktion, och utvecklar ett metodologiskt kunnande inom digital KBT, randomiserad kontrollerad studiedesign samt laborativa studier.

    Call for Papers | The 6th International Congress of Exercise and Sport Sciences | Online Coference by The Academic College at Wingate, June 9–10, 2021. Call ends January 15,...

    The goal of the Congress is to bring together leading professionals and researchers in the field of exercise and sport sciences, in order to stimulate discussion on the latest innovations in these areas. The Congress will focus on a wide range of themes related to exercise and the sport sciences, including physical activity among children, adolescents and the elderly, competitive sport and coaching, sport management, sport nutrition, sport tourism, physical education, among others.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Kelsey Erickson, Leeds Beckett University

    Dr Kelsey Erickson is a Research Fellow at Leeds Beckett University. Her primary research interest is the social psychology of doping in sport. Her PhD research was titled "Doping in Sport: a cross-national (US and UK) analysis of track and field athletes". Kelsey's current research is focused on designing, piloting and evaluating an anti-doping education program for student-athletes in the US, UK and Canada.

    Adjunkt i idrætspsykologi til Sektion for Idræt, Aarhus Universitet | Ansøgningsfrist 26.03.2017

    Ansættelsen er 4 årig og stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling med 37 timer ugentligt, der forventes besat 1. september 2017 eller snarest derefter. Den der ansættes, vil blive tilknyttet forskningsenheden ”Sport og Kropskultur” på Sektion for Idræt. Sektion for Idræt har det overordnede ansvar for forskning i idrætsrelaterede spørgsmål og undervisning af idrætsstuderende.

    Inbjudan från SVEBI | Bästa studentuppsats om idrott 2015-16 | Deadline den 20 juni 2016

    SVEBI, Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning, inbjuder studenter till en tävling om bästa uppsats på avancerad nivå (15-30 hp) med ett idrottspedagogiskt, idrottspsykologiskt, idrottssociologiskt eller annat samhällsvetenskapligt idrottsämne.

    International Journal of Sport Psychology Vol. 45, No. 4, July–August 2014

    The International Journal of Sport Psychology publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the human movement sciences from all over the world. Manuscripts related to psychology, sport pedagogy, exercise and sport performance are suited to the Journal's scope. Special issue on perfectionism in sport and dance

    International Journal of Sport Psychology Vol. 45, No. 3, May–June 2014

    The International Journal of Sport Psychology publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the human movement sciences from all over the world. Manuscripts related to psychology, sport pedagogy, exercise and sport performance are suited to the Journal's scope.

    International Journal of Sport Psychology Vol. 45, No. 2, March–April 2014

    The International Journal of Sport Psychology publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the human movement sciences from all over the world. Manuscripts related to psychology, sport pedagogy, exercise and sport performance are suited to the Journal's scope.

    International Journal of Sport Psychology Vol. 45, No. 1, January–February 2014

    The International Journal of Sport Psychology publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the human movement sciences from all over the world. Manuscripts related to psychology, sport pedagogy, exercise and sport performance are suited to the Journal's scope.
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