International Journal of Sport Psychology Vol. 45, No. 1, January–February 2014


ijsp-dsWhat is self-control depleting in sports? Effects of vicarious experiences on performances
Chris Englert and Alex Bertrams

An investigation of a formalized mentoring program for novice basketball coaches
Koon Teck Koh, Gordon A. Bloom, Katherine E. Fairhurst, Dominique M. Paiement, Ying Hwa Kee

Target-directed and movement-directed instructions differently modulate the relationship between performance and perception
Rouwen Cañal-Bruland, Kevin Kishna And Jonathan Van Ingen Schenau

Body image dissatisfaction among 14-15 year old females in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rodrigo Marques, Monique Assis, Geraldo A Maranhao Neto, Fabiana Resende, Alexandre Palma

A case study of technical change and rehabilitation: intervention design and interdisciplinary team interaction
Howie J. Carson, Dave Collins and Bryan Jones


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