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    Journal of Sport History, Volume 47, 2020, Number 2

    The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: "HE ATE AND PUMPED": THE RISE AND FALL OF D. L. DOWD, AMERICA'S FORGOTTEN FITNESS ENTREPRENEUR by Conor Heffernan.

    Call for Papers | Special issue of the Journal of Sport History to mark the 50th Anniversary of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). Call ends July...

    The year 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the first meeting of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) held in 1973 at The Ohio State University. A 50th anniversary issue of the Journal of Sport History will take stock of the field of sport history, highlighting the history of NASSH and proposed future directions of the organization and the field. We invite scholars of all career stages to submit paper proposals.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 47, 2020, Number 1

    The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. Editor’s pick from the current issue: ASSOCIATIVITY, GAMBLING, AND THE RISE OF PROTOMODERN BRITISH SPORT, 1660–1800 by Mike Huggins.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 46, 2019, Number 3

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.

    Call for Papers | Forty-Eighth Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) | Chicago, Ill., May 22–25, 2020. Call ends January 10, 2020

    One of the highlights of the North American Society for Sport History is its annual conference. Held through the years at various locations in the United States and Canada, the conference provides an opportunity for individuals to share their latest research, serves as an opportunity for individuals with similar scholarly interests to share ideas, and furnishes an occasion to pay tribute to those who have served the organization and to recognize outstanding scholarship.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 46, 2019, Number 2: Indigenous Resurgence, Regeneration, and Decolonization through Sport History

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 46, 2019, Number 1: Sun, Surf, and Toned Bodies: California’s Impact on the History of Sport and Leisure

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 45, 2018, Number 3

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 45, 2018, Number 2

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.

    Journal of Sport History, Volume 45, 2018, Number 1

    The Journal of Sport History is published three times a year by the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH). The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes.