Tag: North American Society for Sport History
Journal of Sport History, Volume 51, 2024, Number 2 | Concussion’s Past
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “I Quit”: Head Trauma, Chair Shots, and North American Professional Wrestling in the 1990s by Conor Heffernan; Claire Warden.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 51, 2024, Number 1
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Antecedent and Aftermath: A History of Synchronized Swimming by Synthia Sydnor..
Journal of Sport History, Volume 50, 2023, Number 3
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Introduction to the New Oral History Section by Daniel A. Nathan & Maureen Smith.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 50, 2023, Number 2
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Populism in Popular Games: Games of the Volk, Patriotic Gymnastics, and Heritage Populism in Europe by Tom Fabian.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 50, 2023, Number 1
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: In with the Old: The United Nations and Sport for Development and Peace, 1940s–1990s by Rob Millington.
Call for Papers | “Sport Studies as a Public Service: Popular Scholarship, Histories, and Activism”, NASSH 2024 Pre-Conference Workshop | Thursday May 23 and the morning of Friday May...
What is the sport scholar’s role today? Overall, we believe it is necessary to reflect on how scholars of sport and adjacent fields tell what Fields calls “‘good stories’” to the public. We open this workshop to individuals who have gone beyond academic journals to critically examine recreation, sport, and/or leisure through teaching, museums, public policy, activism, new media (podcasts, social media, documentary), or any number of alternatives. Overall, the idea is to reflect, share, and write about their responsibility to the public and their efforts to provide “good stories.”
Call for Submissions | North American Society for Sport History Dissertation Prize | Call ends December 31, 2022
The North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) invites submissions for its NASSH Dissertation Prize. The newly inaugurated Dissertation Prize will be awarded on a biannual basis and recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations in the field of sport history. The winner of the prize will receive $1000.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 48, 2021, Number 3 | 50 Years: The North American Society for Sport History (NASSH)
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Speaking Up, Speaking Out, and Speaking Back to Feminism in Sport History: Fifty Years on at NASSH by Patricia Vertinsky.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 48, 2021, Number 2 | Reading the Past Critically: Honoring the Legacy of Susan Birrell
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Susan: Wha's Like Her? by Catriona M. Parratt.
Journal of Sport History, Volume 48, 2021, Number 1
The purpose of NASSH is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: AAU v. NCAA: The Bitter Feud That Altered the Structure of American Amateur Sports by Howard P. Chudacoff.