Journals Sport Marketing Quarterly, Volume 27, 2018, Issue 1 June 18, 2019 0 Industry Insider: Tim Clark Mark Nagel How I Perform is Not Enough: Exploring Branding Barriers Faced by Elite Female Athletes Jami Lobpries, Gregg Bennett, Natasha Brison The Evolution of Media Reporting of Ambush Marketing Nicholas Burton, Kevin Snyder, Steve McKelvey An Experimental Examination of Activist Type and Effort on Brand Image and Purchase Intentions Samuel H. Schmidt, Megan B. Shreffler, Marion E. Hambrick, Brian S. Gordon Worth the Price of Admission? The Mediating Effect of Perceived Value on Ticket Purchase Intention Joris Drayer, Stephen L. Shapiro, Brendan Dwyer Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Half-Baked Sponsorship Yields Valuable Lessons Jonathan A. Jensen, Barbara Osborne Share this:TweetEmailPrintMoreBlueskyRedditShare on TumblrPocketTelegramWhatsApp