Depression and physical activity research in older age: An important gap to fill
Pages 1-3
Emily You, Anita M.Y. Goh, Christina Bryant, Nicola T. Lautenschlager, Kathryn A. Ellis
Internal consistency and validity of measures of automatic exercise associations
Pages 4-15
Zachary Zenko, Panteleimon Ekkekakis
Do expert tennis players actually demonstrate anticipatory behavior when returning a first serve under representative conditions? A systematic review including quality assessment and methodological recommendations
Pages 16-26
Carlos Avilés, José A. Navia, Luis M. Ruiz, Óscar Martínez de Quel
A proposed conceptualization of talent in sport: The first step in a long and winding road
Pages 27-33
Joseph Baker, Nick Wattie, Jörg Schorer
Measurement and validation of a three factor hierarchical model of competitive anxiety
Pages 34-44
Eleri Sian Jones, Richard Mullen, Lew Hardy
Embodied learning in the classroom: Effects on primary school children’s attention and foreign language vocabulary learning
Pages 45-54
Mirko Schmidt, Valentin Benzing, Amie Wallman-Jones, Myrto-Foteini Mavilidi, David Revalds Lubans, Fred Paas
Intensity and workload related dose-response effects of acute resistance exercise on domain-specific cognitive function and affective response – A four-armed randomized controlled crossover trial
Pages 55-63
Tobias Engeroff, Daniel Niederer, Lutz Vogt, Winfried Banzer
The Dark Triad in male and female athletes and non-athletes: Group differences and psychometric properties of the Short Dark Triad (SD3)
Pages 64-72
Robert Vaughan, Daniel J. Madigan, Gregory L. Carter, Adam R. Nicholls
Primed to perform: Comparing different pre-performance routine interventions to improve accuracy in closed, self-paced motor tasks
Pages 73-81
Christopher Mesagno, Jürgen Beckmann, V. Vanessa Wergin, Peter Gröpel
Parents value competence more than warmth in competitive youth ice hockey coaches: Evidence based on the innuendo effect
Pages 82-89
Jordan T. Sutcliffe, Alex J. Benson, Mark W. Bruner
Discursive practices around the body of the female athlete: An analysis of sport psychology interactions in elite sport
Pages 90-104
S. Cosh, P.J. Tully, S. Crabb
Being one of us: Translating expertise into performance benefits following perceived failure
Pages 105-113
Olivier Rascle, Maxime Charrier, Nancy Higgins, Tim Rees, Pete Coffee, David Le Foll, Genevieve Cabagno
Is the relationship between physical activity intentions and behaviour convex? A test across 13 studies
Pages 114-122
Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, Sami Yli-Piipari, Lindsey Swanson Schriefer, Deming Wang, Vasillis Barkoukis, Martin S. Hagger
I think therefore I Am? Examining the relationship between exercise identity and exercise behavior during behavioral weight loss treatment
Pages 123-127
Leah M. Schumacher, Stephanie G. Kerrigan, Jocelyn E. Remmert, Christine C. Call, Fengqing Zhang, Meghan L. Butryn
Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among young athletes involving in intense training centres: Do emotional intelligence and emotional regulation matter?
Pages 128-136
Valérian Cece, Emma Guillet-Descas, Virginie Nicaise, Noémie Lienhart, Guillaume Martinent
Effect of prior cues on action anticipation in soccer goalkeepers
Pages 137-143
Yingying Wang, Qingchun Ji, Chenglin Zhou
“It’s not about sport, it’s about you”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of mentoring elite athletes
Pages 144-154
Stacey S. Sandardos, Timothy P. Chambers
A meta-analytic review of the relationship between social constructs and athlete burnout
Pages 155-164
Christine E. Pacewicz, Kathleen T. Mellano, Alan L. Smith
On the importance of self-control strength for regular physical activity
Pages 165-171
Emily Finne, Chris Englert, Darko Jekauc
Motivational processes affecting the perception of organizational and media stressors among professional football players: A longitudinal mixed methods research study
Pages 172-182
Elsa Kristiansen, Andreas Ivarsson, Bård Erlend Solstad, Glyn C. Roberts
Teammate influences on the eating attitudes and behaviours of athletes: A systematic review
Pages 183-194
Charlotte L. Scott, Emma Haycraft, Carolyn R. Plateau
A home advantage? Examining 100 years of team success in National Hockey League playoff overtime games
Pages 195-199
Desmond McEwan
Importance of aerobic fitness and fundamental motor skills for academic achievement
Pages 200-209
A.G.M. de Bruijn, D.D.N.M. Kostons, I.M.J. van der Fels, C. Visscher, J. Oosterlaan, E. Hartman, R.J. Bosker
Developmental activities and perceptions of challenge for National and Varsity women soccer players in Canada
Pages 210-218
David T. Hendry, A. Mark Williams, Paul R. Ford, Nicola J. Hodges
Attributional consensus: The importance of agreement over causes for team performance to interpersonal outcomes and performance
Pages 219-225
Ross M. Murray, Pete Coffee, Robert C. Eklund, Calum A. Arthur
Decision reinvestment, pattern recall and decision making in rugby union
Pages 226-232
Sebastian M. Sherwood, Tiaki B. Smith, Rich S.W. Masters
Developmental relations between motivation types and physical activity in elementary school children
Pages 233-242
Julien Chanal, Boris Cheval, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Delphine Paumier
Using tele-health to enhance motivation, leisure time physical activity, and quality of life in adults with spinal cord injury: A self-determination theory-based pilot randomized control trial
Pages 243-252
K. Chemtob, M. Rocchi, K. Arbour-Nicitopoulos, D. Kairy, B. Fillion, S.N. Sweet
Declarative memory affects procedural memory: The role of semantic association and sequence matching
Pages 253-260
Ting-Ting Xie, Tian-Ze Wang, Yi-Ping Wei, En-Cheng Ye
Video-based testing in sporting officials: A systematic review
Pages 261-270
Aden Kittel, Paul Larkin, Nathan Elsworthy, Michael Spittle
Shared social identity content is the basis for leaders’ mobilization of followers
Pages 271-278
Matthew J. Slater, Pete Coffee, Jamie B. Barker, S. Alexander Haslam, Niklas K. Steffens
“I’m just too busy to exercise”: Reframing the negative thoughts associated with exercise-related cognitive errors
Pages 279-287
Sean R. Locke, Rhyann C. McKay, Mary E. Jung
Coaching the coach: Intervention effects on need-supportive coaching behavior and athlete motivation and engagement
Pages 288-300
Bart Reynders, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Stef Van Puyenbroeck, Nathalie Aelterman, Maarten De Backer, Jochen Delrue, Gert-Jan De Muynck, Katrien Fransen, Leen Haerens, Gert Vande Broek
Balance confidence scale: Preliminary validity, reliability, and relation to neural excitability in young adults
Pages 301-310
Tulika Nandi, Rebecca Lewthwaite, Beth E. Fisher, George J. Salem
Longitudinal trajectories of physical activity among employees participating in a worksite health promotion intervention: A latent class growth approach
Pages 311-320
Cathrine Pedersen, Hallgeir Halvari, Bård Erlend Solstad, Marte Bentzen
Do athletes’ responses to coach autonomy support and control depend on the situation and athletes’ personal motivation?
Pages 321-332
Jochen Delrue, Bart Soenens, Sofie Morbée, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Leen Haerens
Testing the effects of messaging on physical activity motivation in active and non-active adults
Pages 333-342
Derek J. Hevel, Anthony J. Amorose, Kristen M. Lagally, Anna Rinaldi-Miles, Scott Pierce
Longitudinal associations between parents’ motivations to exercise and their moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
Pages 343-349
Lydia G. Emm-Collison, Russell Jago, Ruth Salway, Janice L. Thompson, Simon J. Sebire
Practitioners’ narratives regarding active ingredients in service delivery: Collaboration-based problem solving
Pages 350-358
David Tod, James Hardy, David Lavallee, Martin Eubank, Noora Ronkainen
Subjective norms matter for physical activity intentions more than previously thought: Reconsidering measurement and analytical approaches
Pages 359-367
Jeemin Kim, Mark Eys, Jennifer Robertson-Wilson, Emily Dunn, Kayla Rellinger
No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of frontal, motor or visual cortex on performance of a self-paced visuomotor skill
Pages 368-373
David J. Harris, Mark R. Wilson, Gavin Buckingham, Samuel J. Vine
Experts’ successful psychomotor performance was characterized by effective switch of motor and attentional control
Pages 374-379
Kuo-Pin Wang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Tai-Ting Chen, Yu-Kai Chang, Chung-Ju Huang, Jie Feng, Tsung-Min Hung, Jie Ren