New (Sound)Waves in Sport Marketing: Do Semantic Differences in Analogous Music Impact Shopping Behaviors of Sport Consumers?
Khalid Ballouli and Gregg Bennett
Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Donor Behavior in College Athletics: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Commitment
Yong Jae Ko, Yong Chae Rhee, Yu Kyoum Kim, and Taeho Kim
Ethical Failures in Sport Business: Directions for Research
Mark P. Pritchard and Rick Burton
Revisiting the Team Identification-Value-Purchase Relationship in the Team-Licensed Merchandise Consumption Context: A Multidimensional Consumer Value Approach
Youngbum Kwon and Dae Hee Kwak
A Note from the SMA Executive Director
Jim Kadlecek
Industry Insider: Ray Katz
Steve McKelvey
Sport Marketing and the Law
Beware of Flying Hotdogs: Inherent or Unreasonable Risks?
Matthew T. Brown and Todd Koesters