Sport Fans and Online Data Collection: Challenges and Ethics
Brody J. Ruihley, Robin Hardin
Marketing Stadiums as Event Venues: Modified Balanced Scorecard (mBSC) Evaluation of Minor League Baseball Websites as an eMarketing Tool
Charles Parrish, Seungwon “Shawn” Lee, Ji-Ho Kim
Sport Website Interactivity Effects: An Analysis of the Relationships between Interactivity, Attitudes, and Intentions to Revisit
Young Ik Suh, Taesoo Ahn, Paul M. Pedersen
Understanding Baseball Consumption Via In-Home Gaming
Joey Gawrysiak, Brendan Dwyer, Richard Burton
Social Media Platforms’ Use in Building Stakeholder Relationships: The Case of National Sport Organizations
Gashaw Abeza, Norm O’Reilly