How can the global sustainability goals be used to develop sport – and how can sport help to achieve sustainable social development?
The annual SVEBI conference 2020 will be organized by the Department of Sport Sciences at Malmö University on November 19–20. The main theme of the conference is sport in relation to the UN global sustainability goals. The theme is chosen as the role of sport in relation to the global goals is, or rather should be, a red-hot topic in sport studies and sport science research as well as in the actual performance and management of sports. We see a clear need for increased knowledge and in-depth discussions about sport’s relationship to the global goals.
SVEBI (Swedish Association for Behavioral and Social Sciences Sports Research) serves the interest of research and education in sport. It promotes good research opportunities; builds national and international networks for researchers in the behavioral and social sciences; informs internally and externally about current research in the area; maintains contacts with sports organizations and other bodies essential to this field of research; promotes higher education in the field.
The content of the conference will be linked to the main theme by assigning one or more of the 17 global goals to the various sessions that will focus on:
- Sport and environmental issues
- Sport, gender, and integration
- Sport and children’s rights
- Physical education and health
- Sport and good governance
- Sport and digitalization
As a step towards increased internationalization, all keynotes and one conference track will be in English during the two days. Additionally, representatives from both the sports movement and physical education teachers will be invited to attend. The day before the conference, on November 18, a variety of activities will be arranged, including a doctoral student meeting, an outdoor group meeting and a PE teacher education meeting.
Malmö University is one of Sweden’s national sports universities and Sport Sciences in Malmö is a vibrant and successful research environment comprising a variety of specializations with the emphasis in social sciences. In addition, there is a well-developed collaborative network in the field of sports performance, and research and development projects are conducted in collaboration with a number of sports-related social players. There are a number of different projects at the Department that can be linked to global sustainability goals, for instance Mistra Sports & Outdoors, Sports Open, Malmo Youth Sports Study and Too young to ride?