Topic: Sport and film

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to-page-topResearch Articles

Alexandersson, Markus Sportfilm och patriotism i Putins tjänst [Sport movies and patriotism for the benefit of Vladimir Putin] (SWE 200610)
Dahlén, Peter Om bilden av NHL i ishockeyfilmer 1970–2005 (SWE 171211)

to-page-topFeature Articles

Imbrišević, Miroslav What can we learn from Cobra Kai? (201117)
Varney, Wendy Cinematic Salutations: Review of Salute, the True Story of an Unslung Australian Hero (Peter Norman) (080903)

to-page-topBook Reviews

All-Stars and Movie Stars: Sports in Film and History Ron Briley, Michael K. Schoenecke & Deborah A. Carmichael (red) Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky 2008 (Peter Dahlén 100606)
Att träna och tävla är komiskt: Sport enligt svenska fiktionsfilmer 1930–2015 Margareta Rönnberg Visby: Filmförlaget 2015 (Birger Hedén 160413)
Body Shots: Hollywood and the Culture of Eating Disorders Emily Fox-Kales Albany, NY: Excelsior Editions (Suny Press) 2011 (Henning Eichberg 111123)
The British Horseracing Film: Representations of the ‘Sport of Kings’ in British Cinema Stephen Glynn London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019 (review in Swedish by Peter Dahlén, published 201223)
The Cinema of Hockey: Four Decades of the Game on Screen Iri Cermak Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2017 (Tobias Stark 170831)
Encyclopedia of Sports Films K. Edgington & Thomas L. Erskine, with James M. Welsh Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 2011 (Peter Dahlén 120509)
Knockout: The Boxer and Boxing in American Cinema Leger Grindon Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2011 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema Dan Streible Berleley, CA: University of California Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 110608)
Gaelic Games on Film: From silent films to Hollywood hurling, horror and the emergence of Irish cinema Seán Crosson Togher, Cork: Cork University Press 2019 (review in English by Dilwyn Porter, published 210520)
Martial Arts: The step-by-step companion to the Martial Arts genre PTJ Rance London: Virgin Books 2005 (Anna Kavoura 121130)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Yankee Stadium: Baseball Films in the Capra Tradition Wes D. Gehring Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2004 (Peter Dahlén 091216)
Sport, Film and National Culture Seán Crosson (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Garry Whannel, published 221121)
Sport in Films Emma Poulton & Martin Roderick (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Peter Dahlén 101215)
Sporting Realities: Critical Readings of the Sports Documentary Samantha N. Sheppard & Travis Vogan (red) Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2020 (review in English by Garry Whannel, published 210618)
Sports Cinema – 100 Movies: The Best of Hollywood’s Athletic Heroes, Losers, Myths, and Misfits Randy Williams Pomton Plains, NJ: Limelight Editions 2006 (Peter Dahlén 081112)
Sports Heroines on Film: A Critical Study of Cinematic Women Athletes, Coaches and Owners Viridiana Lieberman Jefferson, NC: McFarland  (Susan Bandy 160915)
Stars, Stripes and Diamonds: American Culture and the Baseball Film Marshall G. Most & Robert RuddJefferson, NC: McFarland 2006 (Peter Dahlén 091216)
Ultimate Book of Sports Movies, The Ray Didinger & Glen Macnow Philadelphia, PA: Running Press 2009 (Peter Dahlén 100606)
Visual Economies of/in Motion: Sport and Film C. Richard King & David J. Leonard (red) Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2006 (Peter Dahlén 100127)

to-page-topFilm analyses in Swedish by Peter Dahlén

Hockeyfeber: Från idealism till kommersialism (080903)
The Pride of the Yankies: Den exemplariske idrottshjälten (080917)
Brian’s Song: Renässans för sportbiografier på film (081001)
Somebody Up There Likes Me: Paul Newman till minne (081015)
Pat and Mike: Tidig film om idrottande kvinna (081029)
Personal Best: Autentiskt och kontroversiellt om friidrott och homosexualitet (081112)
Rollerball: Dystopisk profetia om sportens framtid (081126)
Flåklypa Grand Prix: Norges mest populära film (081212)
Kid Galahad: Elvis som idrottsman (1) (090902)
Viva Las Vegas: Elvis som idrottsman (2) (090923)
Tickle Me: Elvis som idrottsman (3) (091007)
Spinout: Elvis som idrottsman (4) (091021)
Speedway: Elvis som idrottsman (5) (091111)
Fat City: Boxning och melankoli (091125)
Bang the Drum Slowly: Baseballsportens återkomst på film (091216)
Downhill Racer: Realistiskt om störtlopp (100127)
The Longest Yard: Maktkritisk fotbollsfilm i fängelsemiljö (100217)
Requiem for a Heavyweight: Den sista i en era av boxningsfilmer (110126)
The Great Escape: Krigsfilm med idrottsmetaforer (110309)
National Velvet: Elisabeth Taylor till minne (110420)
Racing Stripes: Ung tjej på zebra i klassisk amerikansk framgångsaga (110608)
Grand Prix: Unikt tidsdokument från Formula 1-racing under 1960-talet (111102)
Jim Thorpe – All American: Den första internationella friidrottsstjärnan (111123)

to-page-topMiscellaneous Resocurces

Sports Coaching Review, Volume 5, 2016, Issue 1, Special issue: Sports Coaching on Film