Newswork, News Values, and Audience Considerations: Factors That Facilitate Media Coverage of Women’s Sports
Merryn Sherwood, Angela Osborne, Matthew Nicholson, and Emma Sherry
Pervasively Offside: An Examination of Sexism, Stereotypes, and Sportscaster Credibility
Michael Mudrick, Laura Burton, and Carolyn A. Lin
The Return of the King: How Cleveland Reunited With LeBron James After a Parasocial Breakup
Eryn N. Bostwick and Kathryn L. Lookadoo
#FIFAputos: A Twitter Textual Analysis Over “Puto” at the 2014 World Cup
Nathian Shae Rodriguez
Fantasy Gaming on Steroids? Contrasting Fantasy Sport Participation by Daily Fantasy Sport Participation
Andrew Billings, Brody James Ruihley, and Yiyi Yang
Quantifying Coach Confirmation: The Development and Preliminary Validation of the Coach Confirmation Instrument
Gregory A. Cranmer, Maria Brann, and Keith Weber