Tag: Laura J. Burton
Journal of Sport Management, Volume 36, 2022, Issue 3 | State of Literature
JSM encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Great Expectations: A Critical Review of Interorganizational Relationships in Amateur Sport by Katie E. Misener, Kathy Babiak, Gareth Jones, Iain Lindsey.
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, Volume 12, 2019, Issue 1
The Journal of Intercollegiate Sport (JIS), an open access journal supported by the University of Kansas, provides an exciting forum for research specifically addressing sport in college and university settings. This interdisciplinary journal publishes articles from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professional fields, providing a complete look at all factors affecting intercollegiate sport.
Methodological toolboxes for scrutinising sports coaching
Anne Tjønndal reviews two books about coaching, Women in Sports Coaching by Nicole LaVoi (ed.), and Research Methods in Sports Coaching by Lee Nelson, Ryan Groom & Paul Potrac (eds.), both titles from Routledge. Notwithstanding some shortcomings in both books, she considers them useful resources for studying the vast and multifarious field of sports coaching.
Journal of Sport Management, Volume 32, 2018, Issue 2
The Journal of Sport Management encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.
Journal of Sport Management, Volume 32, 2018, Issue 1
The Journal of Sport Management encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.
Communication & Sport, Vol. 5, 2017, No. 6
Communication and Sport is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community.
Journal of Sport Management, Volume 31, 2017, Issue 3
The Journal of Sport Management encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.
Många bra bidrag hänger i luften i redaktionssvag coaching-antologi
Paul Potrac, Wade Gilbert och Jim Denison står som redaktörer för Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, men de har inte satt in de 39 bidragen i handboken i ett sammanhang, vilket vår recensent Robert Svensson beklagar. Det blev en tvåsidig inledning till en 500-sidig bok.