Call For Participation | “Addressing Homophobia At Mega-Sport Events” | European Networking Conference, 17-18 November 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Registration ends October 30 2017


In November a networking conference takes place in the framework of the Queering Football project. We invite football clubs, supporter groups, NGOs, athletes, football activists, national and international sport associations, academics, students and everybody who is interested to discuss homophobia in football, progress made and challenges ahead.

About the conference

In anticipation of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, SPOLINT in association with VIDC will host a 2-day conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Homophobia – prejudices and violence against LGBTIQs – is still one of the main and untackled problems in European football.

The conference will bring together officials from international and national sporting organisations, including FIFA, UEFA, as well as representatives from grassroots organisations, NGOs, clubs, professional athletes, activists in LGBT rights, academics and sports professionals.

Target Groups

The aim of the conference is to foster the exchange of ideas how to tackle homophobia, and how to create awareness on discrimination in sports in particular in the framework of Mega-Sport Events. We are inviting supporter groups, NGOs, athletes, football activists, national and international sport associations, academics, students and everybody who is interested to this conference.


The provisional programme of the conference can be found here. The programme and the list of speakers will be continuously up-dated, please check here.Conference language: English


Registration is required until 30. October 2017.
Please return the Registration Form until 30 October to info[at]


No conference fee; costs of the conference are covered by the project, including conference fee, catering, networking dinner. Travel and accommodation have to be organized and paid by the participants.


University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Sport
Gortanova ulica 22
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Contact and further information

For further questions and information on conference, project and content, please contact:

Local host: Milan Hosta, SPOLINT institute, info[at]
Project coordination: Nikola Staritz, fairplay initiative, staritz[at]


About Queering Football project

Homophobia – prejudices and violence against LGBTIQ – is still one of the main and untackled problems in European football. Homophobic chants and physical attacks as well as ignorance and exclusion still happen on a daily basis.

Queering Football: Tackling Homophobia and Promoting Anti-Discrimination around Major Sport Events” (2016-2017) fights homophobia in football and aims at establishing an inclusive football culture and anti-discrimination standards at major sport events.

The project aims at using the UEFA EURO 2016 in France as a pan-European communication platform to tackle discrimination and hatred. Football supporters, LGBT (sport) organisations and initiatives, who are the main players of Queering Football, but also clubs, associations and politicians are part oft he activities.

Want to know more about the project? Check here!


Visit us on facebook:


Contact: Nikola Staritz (project coordination): staritz[at]

Partners: The partners in the European project are: European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF |,  Football Supporters Europe (FSE |, Fédération Sportive Gaie et Lesbienne (FSGL, France |, Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (UISP, Italy |, Spolint (Slovenia | and VIDC-fairplay (Austria | as the lead organization.

Queering Football is co-funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Sport Programme.


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