Call for Papers: OS politiska betydelse


PSA Annual International Conference, Cardiff, 25 -27 March 2013

Brittiska statsvetarföreningen Political Studies Association har på sin 63dje årliga konferens en panel om sport.

Call for Papers

The Sport and Politics Study Group ( wishes to propose panels to the 63rd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, to be hosted in Cardiff, 25-27 March 2013 ( 

We invite proposals for papers on the following theme:

The Politics of the Olympic Games

The PSA is the UK’s leading association in the study and research of politics. The Sport and Politics Study Group ( was established in 2005 to provide opportunities for discussion, debate and research on the multiple dimensions of sport politics.

Proposals should include the following: title and name, institutional affiliation and address, and preferred email address, together with a paper title and abstract of no more than 200 words. Panels are limited to one postgraduate student, so please indicate your academic status.

Proposals should be sent by 12 October 2012 to Dr Paul Gilchrist. Following PSA processes, abstracts will be subject to two levels of peer review before acceptance, from the study group and main conference organizers.

Dr Paul Gilchrist 
Co-convenor PSA Sport and Politics Study Group


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