Ny tidskrift från Sage Publications: Communication & Sport
Communication & Sport (C&S) is a new, peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport. C&S publishes research and critical analysis from diverse disciplinary and theoretical perspectives to advance understanding of communication phenomena in the varied contexts through which sport touches individuals, society, and culture.
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Communication & Sport
Mapping the Terrain: Communication Studies of Sport
Guest Editors:
Michael L. Butterworth, Bowling Green State University
Jeffrey W. Kassing, Arizona State University
Communication is a fundamental component of sport. While much research has focused on media and sport, there is a growing body of scholarship that examines sport and communication from traditions other than media studies. Because this work may be situated in one of the communication discipline’s traditional contexts (e.g., organizational, relational, health) or grow from a focus in sport studies and diverse ancillary disciplines, it ends up published widely across scholarly outlets. Showcasing this work in Communication and Sportsignals the journal’s commitment to the diversity and viability of communication and sport research that examines non-mediated aspects of sport by charting how the scholarly understanding of communication addresses a host of ideas and concerns related to our collective understanding of sport. As such, this issue aims to feature and extend notions of what constitutes sport and communication scholarship.
With those goals in mind, we invite manuscripts that explore topics or approaches in the following and related areas:
- organizational communication and sport
- relational communication and sport
- group communication and sport
- health communication and sport
- family communication and sport
- instructional communication and sport
- communication, aging, and sport
- communication, disability, and sport
- communication, the environment, and sport
- communication, culture, and sport
- communication, race/ethnicity and sport
- communication, gender/sexuality, and sport
- communication, religion, and sport
- rhetorical, critical, discourse/discursive, or narrative approaches to the study of sport
Articles featuring qualitative, quantitative, critical, historical, and other methods are equally welcome. Given that media permeates sport to a great degree, the content addressed in submissions to the special issue should aim to capture unique and distinct features of communication and sport that do not directly rely on the analysis of media content and/or processes. Submissions that consider media as a major component of the work will be recommended for submission to Communication and Sport for standard review.
Manuscript Submissions
Manuscripts for the Mapping the Terrain: Communication Studies of Sport special issue should be submitted by September 1, 2013 at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commsport. In the submission process, authors should both note submission for the Mapping the Terrain: Communication Studies of Sport special issue in a cover letter and choose “Communication Studies Special Issue” as the “Manuscript Type.” Manuscripts should follow the Manuscript Submission Guidelines at http://com.sagepub.com. All manuscripts will be subject to peer review under the supervision of the Special Issue Editors and Editor-in-Chief. Expressions of interest, abstracts for consideration, and questions may be directed to the Special Issue Editors: Michael L. Butterworth (mbutter@bgsu.edu) or Jeffrey W. Kassing (jkassing@asu.edu).
Lawrence Wenner
- Von der Ahe Professor of Communication & Ethics | Loyola Marymount University | 1 LMU Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90045 | lawrence.wenner@gmail.com | 310.338.3754
- Editor, International Review for the Sociology of Sport | irsseditor@gmail.com | http://irs.sagepub.com | http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/irss
- Editor, Communication & Sport | commsporteditor@gmail.com | http://com.sagepub.com | http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commsport