‘Sport for Development and Peace’ (SDP) refers to the large and rapidly growing global sector in which sports and other physical activities are used to pursue diverse non-sporting social goals. These SDP objectives include peacebuilding and conflict reduction, gender empowerment, improving health and tackling disease, reducing crime and urban violence, tackling radicalization, integrating marginalized social groups (e.g. ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and refugees), securing ‘positive youth development’, and building community resilience. There are now many hundreds of organizations which contribute to SDP work, principally non-governmental organizations that implement most programmes, with support from sport clubs and federations, national governments, local authorities, intergovernmental organizations, and corporate and other private donors. SDP programmes are primarily focused on working with marginalized young people, particularly in the ‘global South’, especially Africa, Latin America, South and South-East Asia, and the Caribbean, although a substantial volume of interventions are also conducted in the global North.
This special issue of the Journal of Global Sport Management seeks to draw together and to showcase contemporary theorizations and empirical research into the SDP sector. Our focus is on the broadly defined managerial dimensions of SDP, and the various underpinning political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the sector. The SDP sector is now characterized by a global mosaic of organizational partnerships that lie behind the planning and implementation of programmes. Many organizations contributing to the SDP sector have their own approaches and agendas with regard to global development. Most importantly, we need to consider also the relationships between SDP organizations and the local communities which receive these development programmes.
Indicative areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Managing SDP NGOs and other stakeholder organizations
- Leadership, advocacy and governance across the SDP sector
- SDP organizational partnerships
- SDP organizations, local communities and user groups
- SDP, public diplomacy and soft power
- SDP and delivering human development
- Corporate social responsibility and SDP
- SDP and sport organizations
- Local, national and global scales of SDP
- Positive youth development
- The global politics of SDP
- Managing and implementing SDP programmes
- The role of volunteers
- Monitoring and evaluation of programmes
- Research methods for investigating SDP
- Building research networks for studying SDP
Papers of a maximum of 6,000 words excluding bibliography should identify the critical ethical issues that arise in the topic under discussion and explore how policy and/or practice might be derived from sound ethical judgments.
Papers that are co-written by academics and practitioners in the field of sport for development and peace are especially welcome, but it is not a requirement.
Authors should indicate in their cover letter that the submission is to be considered for the Special Issue on Managing Sport for Development and Peace. Any questions or to submit abstracts for feedback – please contact the guest editor.
For further information, please read the full instructions for authors: here.
Submissions should be made via the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system: here.
Guest Editors:
- Richard Giulianotti, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, UK (
- Hans Hognestad, University College of Southeast Norway, Bø campus, Telemark, Norway (
- Holly Collison, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, UK (