Call for Papers | “Leisure and Indigenous Peoples” | Special Issue of Annals of Leisure Research. Call ends 1 September 2018


This special issue seeks to critically explore, encourage discussion, and contribute to the empirical study of the rights and welfare of Indigenous people, within and through leisure. The provision of culturally relevant and meaningful leisure opportunities for marginalised population groups such as Indigenous peoples, is a global phenomenon and chief priority for many governments. Benefits include;

    • positive emotions and well-being experienced from leisure,
    • positive identities and self-esteem gained from leisure,
    • social and cultural connections and a harmony developed through leisure, and
    • the contribution of leisure to learning and human development across the life-span.[1]

However, to advance a multifaceted and more nuanced understanding the study of leisure and/for Indigenous peoples must occur within a socio-cultural context. Leisure is a construct that relates to activities undertaken by a person outside of work/obligatory time for enjoyment, refreshment, relaxation or diversion and includes hobbies, socialising, recreation, sports and artistic pursuits. Culture is a concept which can be used to describe particular ways of life, either for a group of people or for a period of time. UNESCO defines culture as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, that encompasses not only art and literature, but also lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.[2] There are intersections and overlaps within and between culture and leisure. For example, leisure activities such as socialising are central to broader cultural interaction and exchange. Many activities concerned with the expression, maintenance and preservation of culture may intersect with leisure activities, and many are undertaken as part of work or daily life.[3] In today’s westernized culture, Indigenous people’s leisure activities may occur through;

    • attendance at cultural venues and events,
    • participation in cultural activities,
    • participation in leisure activities,
    • arts, cultural heritage and leisure industries including the supply, distribution and consumption of arts, cultural heritage or leisure goods, and
    • cultural identity.[4]

This special issue invites contributions addressing the socio-cultural dimensions of leisure for Indigenous peoples. Paper submissions may cover a broad range of themes and perspectives. Contributions may include scholarly and empirical research from comparative perspectives. We seek an international collection of scholars and researchers for a global audience. Appropriate topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • how income, age, health status or human functioning shape opportunities to participate in culture and leisure activities
    • the shift away from traditional culture and leisure activities as time pressures increase and lifestyles change
    • technological changes which may enable new forms of cultural expression (for example, visual arts may be enhanced through the use of multimedia technologies) and innovative/novel platforms for distributing and consuming cultural goods
    • time spent engaged in screen-based leisure activities (e.g. watching television, playing video games, using a computer) which may contribute to increased sedentary behaviour
    • understanding how social and cultural norms shape/influence the participation of Indigenous peoples in certain cultural and leisure activities, illuminating and understanding diverse conceptions of leisure
    • promoting the awareness of participation benefits arising from cultural and leisure activities
    • developing cultural and recreation facilities and events (including emerging activities)
    • investment in cultural assets and resources
    • increasing the quality and accessibility of culture and leisure activities
    • encouraging participation among groups of people who do not regularly participate in cultural and leisure activities
    • promoting culturally appropriate leisure activities, such as walking, which are likely to be of benefit within and across age groups
    • understanding how leisure and cultural programs are functioning in schools and how to enhance their outcomes
    • exploring links between in-school and out-of-school culture and leisure activities.

Key Dates and Submission Information

Please send proposed paper title, name of author/s and an abstract of no more than 300 words to the Guest editors, Dr. Megan Stronach ( or Dr. Michelle O’Shea ( by 1 September 2018.


1 July 2018 – Opening of the call for papers
1 September 2018 – Expression of interest
31 October 2018 – Answer about status of work
28 February 2019 – Submission of full papers by authors
Mid – 2020 – Publication of the Special Issue on Leisure and Indigenous Peoples


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), (2015). 4160.0.55.001: Frameworks for Australian Social Statistics.
Iwasaki, Y. (2007). ‘Leisure and quality of life in an international and multicultural context: what are major pathways linking leisure to quality of life?’ Social Indicators Research, Vol 82, No. 2. pp 233-264.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), (2001). UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.

[1] Yoshitaka Iwasaki (2007). ‘Leisure and quality of life in an international and multicultural context: what are major pathways linking leisure to quality of life?’ Social Indicators Research, Vol 82, No. 2, p. 233.
[2] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2001, UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.
[3] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 4160.0.55.001 – Frameworks for Australian Social Statistics, Jun 2015.
[4] Ibid.


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