The International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS), in partnership with Marist College and the Marist College Center for Sports Communication, will host the 7th Summit on Communication and Sport. The 2014 Summit will be March 14-16, 2014 at the Cornell Club of New York City, located in midtown Manhattan. To learn more about the 2014 Summit or IACS, please visit http://www.communicationandsport.com.
We invite you to consider presenting at the 2014 Summit on Sport and Communication, which is the leading venue for communication researchers from varied theoretical and methodological approaches to identify, understand, and critique the communicative significance of sport on an annual basis.
All submissions for the 2014 Summit must be uploaded to the online submission system (http://iacs2014.acamedics.com) by 11:59 PM (U.S. Eastern Time) on Monday, November 4th, 2013. All submissions will be evaluated through a blind peer review process and the author(s) of accepted submissions will receive email notification no later than December 6th, 2013. A maximum of two (2) first-authored submissions from a single author will be considered for presentation.
Scholars interested in submitting to the 2014 Summit have three available options: (1) an abstract submission, (2) a full-length manuscript submission, or (3) a panel presentation submission.
- Abstract submissions may be up to 500 words in length and should be prepared for blind review (see below).
- Full-length manuscript submissions must be (a) prepared for blind review, removing all identifying information of paper author(s), (b) be no more than 7,500 words in length (excluding references, but including tables/figures), and (c) be prepared using 6th Edition APA style.
- Panel presentation submissions discussing examining specific focus or topic must include (a) an overall title for the panel discussion, (b) a brief description of the topic(s) being discussed or examined for the conference program (maximum 100 words), (c) a list of all panelists’ institutional or professional affiliations, and (d) a rationale that outlines the significance of the panel discussion for peer review (maximum 500 words).
The Summit on Sport and Communication welcomes submissions from all methodological or theoretical viewpoints. Any inquiries regarding conference events should be directed to Dr. Keith Strudler (Keith.Strudler@Marist.edu). However, any inquires regarding conference submissions should be directed to Dr. John Spinda (JSpinda@Clemson.edu).
Additional information and updates regarding 2014 Summit events will be posted to the IACS website (http://www.communicationandsport.com) and the Marist College Center for Sports Communication website (http://sportscomm.marist.edu).
Our conference venue, the Cornell Club of NYC, is located on 6 East 44th Street, is less than two blocks from Grand Central Station in Manhattan, an eight-minute walk from Times Square, and is easily reached by public transportation. This setting puts the event in the heart of the sports media world, within walking distance from many professional sports league headquarters, network offices and studios, and global sports media and marketing firms.
A small block of rooms will be reserved at the Cornell Club for those wishing to stay at the conference site. Additionally, special conference rates may be available with hotels near the conference site (please visit http://www.communicationandsport.com for updates). Attendees are also welcomed and encouraged to seek their own hotel accommodations near the conference site.
A pre-conference day will be held on March 14. This will include site visits and a trip to the Barclays Center to watch college basketball and see the nation’s newest and hottest arena. Also scheduled for that evening is an informal mixer sponsored by Taylor Public Relations (http://taylorstrategy.com), where conference attendees can meet and greet before commencing the next morning’s academic sessions.
Academic Program
The academic program will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Both breakfast and lunch will be served at the Cornell Club to all paid conference attendees, maintaining the collegial spirit of the conference and allowing for keynote addresses during lunch. The conference will also bring in panels and presentations from working professionals in sports media in addition to the rich tradition of academic papers and panels. It’s our hope to truly create interactions between academics and the wealth of sports professionals working in New York City. Attendees will have evenings free to enjoy all that New York City has to offer, including shows, restaurants, shopping, and sporting events. We will be providing tourist information to all attendees in advance of the event.