Education through diversity in sport
In today’s society, sport is globalized and defined by a market economy that encourages exaggerated consumption trends. In every country, sport is mainly considered as a product to be sold to potential private or public fundraisers. This liberal logic weakens the moral values of modern sport, such as fraternity, respect, dignity, effort, merit and integrity. The cultural basis is also being undermined by a misuse of its values, for example becoming a political or religious instrument. The headlong technological rush for doping, Mafia-style sporting bets and fundamentalist considerations concerning women practicing sport are some of the issuesthat jeopardize the social and educational dimension of sport.
To face these challenges, education through sport should not be just a headline or a marketing concept disconnected from reality. Education through sport requires a rigorous and technical approach of the project in which teaching, regular supervising staff training, dealing with partners networks and the emergence of an economic model are a few of the many parameters that should be mastered. During every step of a project based on education through sport, the individual in its entirety is at the heart of every concern: from this perspective, sport is a means to help the educational project focused on human beings. Values such as involvement, solidarity, friendliness, democracy, social utility and equality are at the core of education through sport. Many figures in sport use these issues worldwide to build a new educational model and invent, on a local scale, socially efficient actions thanks to sport. The EDUCASPORT World Forum is an opportunity to identify social innovations and to exchange ideas and tools.
Abstract submission deadline June 21, 2013.
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