Call for Papers | “Children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education”, Special issue of Sport, Education and Society. Call ends April 1, 2020

Guest Editors:

      • Anthony J. Maher
      • Justin A. Haegele

Sport, Education and Society (SES) is a leading international journal dedicated to the advance of sociological understandings of the relationships between embodiment, policy, pedagogy, equity and identity. This special edition seeks to bring together voices from social science and educational research, concerned with constructing theoretical and empirical knowledge about children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education. Studies from the perspective of children and young people with disabilities themselves would be particularly welcome as part of a broader endeavour to ‘give voice’ to a notably marginalised group. Articles should reflect the remit of SES, by focusing on embodiment, policy, pedagogy, equity and/or identity. It is hoped that this special edition will contribute towards moving disability research to the centre of scholarly concerns in sport, physical activity and physical education. In each article the author is invited to highlight contemporary thinking and practice driving scholarship, while focusing especially on implications for future research and practice in sport, physical activity and physical education.

SES invites authors to consider the following areas, fields and topics

      1. The views and experiences of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

      2. The politics of ‘inclusion’ in sport, physical activity and physical education

      3. Working in collaboration to include children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

      4. The intersections of disability, ethnicity, gender, social class and/or sexuality in sport, physical activity and physical education

      5. The politics of ‘disabled bodies’ in sport, physical activity and physical education

      6. Embodying disability in sport, physical activity and physical education

      7. ‘Inclusive’ pedagogies for children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

      8. Teacher education for including children and young people with disabilities

      9. Coach education for including children and young people with disabilities

      10. The health of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

      11. The ethics of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

      12. ‘New’ methodologies for studying children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education

Submissions are in no way limited to these points, but authors should refer to the above special edition statements when composing their articles.

All submissions should be relatively short papers – a maximum of 7500 words including references.

All papers will be subject to blind review by a minimum of two referees. Neither acceptance nor place in the special edition is guaranteed. If necessary, the special edition will run over two SES issues.

Deadlines for submission

      • Abstracts (approx. 300 words) submitted directly to Guest Editor for SES (Anthony J. Maher ) by April 1st, 2020
      • Feedback/confirmations by May 31th, 2020
      • Full papers submitted via ScholarOne for review by September 30th, 2020
      • Final papers submitted via ScholarOne by February 1st, 2021
      • Final copy to Routledge March, 2021
      • Intended Online Publication Date May 2021
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