Call for Papers | 70 Years IAPESGW: Always Promoting Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women | Universidad Europea de Madrid, July 10–13, 2019. Call ends February 28, 2019


The Madrid 2019 International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) Regional Congress looks for organizations, scientists, academics, professionals and future professionals in the fields of physical education, sport and physical activity contribute to the growth and development of those areas. In this way, our main objective is to bring together interested scholars and practitioners of many countries working to improve the advancement position of girls and women in these fields.

Programme Structure

The Madrid 2019 IAPESGW Regional Congress programme structure will consist of different session types:

    • Plenary Keynote sessions(by invited speakers)
    • Scientific and Professional paper presentations
    • Poster displays
    • Workshops
    • Panels


IAPESGW invites you and your colleagues to submit your proposals to be considered for presentation in the conference. Authors are free to choose between oral presentation or poster submitting in one of the following topics:

    • Physical education and school sport: equity issues
    • Women in recreational sport
    • Participation of women in high performance sports
    • Physical activity and sport for all: equity and attention to diversity
    • Employment, occupations and the labor market of women in physical activity and sport
    • Innovative strategies for the promotion and development of woman physical activity and sport

Presentation Types

    • Oral Presentation
    • Poster Presentation

Oral presentation

The purpose of an oral presentation is to introduce the audience to the most important and interesting points in your research. All oral communications will be programmed according to the conference areas. Each presenter will be provided with a 15-minute presentation time slot. This time could be adjusted depending on the number of final presentations.

The scientific committee will provide a chair for the sessions from the presenters. Although Spanish presentations will be accepted at the conference, the abstract submissions should be in English.

All proposals must include the following structure:

    • Authors
    • Affiliation
    • Introduction
    • Method
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • References

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included).

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the oral communications and all authors will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection. Abstract submissions are only being accepted electronically to

Poster Presentation

Poster presentations provide a unique opportunity to give everyone a general idea of the sort of research that you are doing and an occasion to discuss in detail with a smaller number of people whose interests are close to your own. However, extreme care is needed in their preparation.

In order to assess the poster proposal, all authors must upload an abstract following this structure:

    • Authors
    • Affiliation
    • Introduction
    • Method
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • References

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included)

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the oral communications and all authors will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection. Abstract submissions are only being accepted electronically to

It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the poster presentation is correctly prepared. The required dimensions of the poster areas are as follows:

Width 70 (90cm)

Height 110 (130cm)

How to submit your Abstract

The abstract submission process can be found on the official Madrid 2019 IAPESGW Regional Congress website at

An author may submit a maximum of two abstracts as first author and another one as co-author. The first named author must present the abstract and this author who presents the abstract in the Conference must pay the registration fee. It is also possible to appear as co-author on other abstracts.

Deadline for Submission of Abstract: February 28th, 2019

Language for Abstracts submission: English

The oral presentations and poster presentations will be accepted in Spanish and English but the abstract submissions should be in English. There will be rooms for Spanish presentations.

Review process

All submissions will be evaluated through a blind review process. Authors will be notified of a decision on near March 15th, 2019.

Further Considerations

All accepted abstracts would be published in the IAPESGW Congress abstracts book with ISBN. Upon acceptance, a minimum of one author must deliver the presentation according to the scheduled day and time. If an author do not comply the requirements, the program chair or congress organizer reserves the right to remove the abstract and/or presentation from the conference schedule and/or conference book of abstracts.

We are eagerly looking forward to receive papers from and about all parts of the globe to make this a truly international world conference.


Dear researchers,

We expect to be receiving a high number of submissions of challenging papers that will generate engaging discussions that will lead to new research and new academic and professional opportunities.

Our Committee is ready and looking forward to read your works.

Madrid 2019 IAPESGW Regional Congress Scientific Committee Co-Chairs:


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