Breaking Barriers: Diverse Approaches in Sport Humanities
March 22-23, 2013, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
This conference represents the collaborative efforts of graduate students from Ohio State University, Penn State University, and University of Western Ontario designed to stimulate scholarship in the historical, philosophical and sociocultural approaches to studying sport. As a student-led initiative, this annual meeting aims to strengthen our academic community and foster intellectual development across the many disciplines within sport studies.
We invite paper proposals for the 2nd annual Tri-University Conference to be held in 2013 at Penn State University. Not restricted to any particular theme, paper proposals may relate to any issue within sport researched from an historical, philosophical, or sociocultural perspective. This conference aims at promoting the scholarly growth and academic networking of emerging scholars, and particularly graduate students. However, faculty members and other qualified scholars are strongly encouraged to attend in order to contribute to and to support these goals through providing constructive feedback and skilled appraisals of the conference’s student generated scholarship. Please submit only original research for consideration.
Authors must send their abstract in an email attachment and include the following information:
- Title of the paper
- 300-500 words
- Name(s), affiliation (university or institution), position, and email address of each author
- Abstracts should include research questions, methodology, a statement of argument, and the paper’s significance to the study of sport in the humanities
Submissions should be sent to:
Notification: Individuals will be notified of the results of the review process by January 7
To alleviate costs, if you would like to room with a Penn State graduate student on March 22 and/or 23, please indicate your interest on the abstract.
* Submission of an abstract indicates the presenter’s intent to attend the conference and be available to present on the afternoon of March 22 or the morning/afternoon of March 23.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or contact Colleen English ( or Dunja Antunovic (