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    Vacancies | PhD students in Sport sciences specialising in social sciences and the humanities, to Malmö University

    Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to societal development. Here, teachers, researchers, and other employees with various competencies work together to conduct high-quality education and research. All professional categories and roles are important. You are welcome to apply for a job with us!

    Call for Papers | “Writing the Body”, subject for the MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities 19 | Call ends January 8, 2024

    Bodies inform our way of being in the world. The human body can be a site of expression, (mis)identification, or inscription, giving rise to a myriad of possibilities that transform and are transformed by our perceptions of the self, connections with others, and the world around us. This issue of Working Papers in the Humanities explores the ways in which human bodies are narrated and understood, how they have been marginalised, empowered or rendered (in)visible, as well as how they uphold and interrogate questions of normativity.

    REMINDER | Vacancies | PhD studentships in Sports Science specialising in the Humanities and Social Sciences @ Malmö University | Apply before January 16, 2022

    The focus of postgraduate education in sport sciences specializing on social sciences and the humanities lies on the various forms of sport and on their past, present and future importance to society. The education program comprises a range of areas from competitive, recreational and experience sports to sport as a school subject including outdoor education, physical recreation and ecological sustainability.

    Call for Book Proposals | Video Games and the Humanities, a new book series from De Gruyter Oldenbourg

    This series seeks to reconnect media-centric Game Studies to the disciplines it had to distance itself from in its foundation, such as literary studies or film studies, in an attempt to use their differences and contact zones in a mutually productive dialogue. In this endeavor, the series is committed to a decidedly global scope as it assembles perspectives from different cultural and academic contexts.

    Två doktorandtjänster i idrottsvetenskap med inriktning samhällsvetenskap och humaniora ledigförklarade vid Malmö högskola

    Den nuvarande flyktingsituationen kommer att få djupgående och varaktiga sociala, politiska och ekonomiska konsekvenser både i Europa och i ursprungsländerna som kräver vetenskaplig analys och förklaring. Vid Malmö högskola utlyses 2 doktorandtjänster inom forskning om migration till Europa i idrottsvetenskap med inriktning samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.

    Doktorand i idrottsvetenskap med inriktning samhällsvetenskap och humaniora (minst en) till Malmö högskola

    Forskarutbildningen i Idrottsvetenskap med inriktning samhällsvetenskap och humaniora har fokus på̊ idrottens former och betydelser i samhället i dåtid, nutid och framtid. Med idrott avses allt ifrån tävlingsidrott, motions- och upplevelseidrott till idrott som skolämne samt friluftsliv och fysisk rekreation.

    Call for Papers: 3rd Annual Tri-University Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport

    Cross-pollinating the field: Pluralistic approaches to the study of sport March, 21-22, 2014 Western University London, Ontario   This conference is a collaborative effort designed to promote scholarship in the historical, philosophical and sociocultural study of sport. A student-led initiative, the annual gathering aims to strengthen academic community and foster intellectual development in sport studies. Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15, 2013 We invite paper proposals for the 3rd...

    Call for Papers – Body Knowledge: Medicine and the Humanities in Conversation

    Call for Papers: Body Knowledge: Medicine and the Humanities in Conversation Deadline March 14 2013 Presented by: Medical Humanities Research Group at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Conference to be held on 2-4 September 2013   In South Africa (and indeed on the African continent as a whole) there is not a single Centre for Medical...

    Call for Papers: 2nd Annual Tri-University Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport

    Breaking Barriers: Diverse Approaches in Sport Humanities March 22-23, 2013, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania  This conference represents the collaborative efforts of graduate students from Ohio State University, Penn State University, and University of Western Ontario designed to stimulate scholarship in the historical, philosophical and sociocultural approaches to studying sport.  As a student-led initiative, this annual meeting aims to strengthen our academic...