Editors:ย Mary L. Sheffer and Ryan Rogersย

Please consider submitting a chapter to the upcoming book titled Esports and Crisis Communication, which will be published by Lexington Press. This is the second book in our series of esports and video games (following Diversity and Inclusion in the Esports Industry) and will cover crisis communication under the umbrella of Public Relations and Advertising within the gaming world of Esports as well as within the global sports media. This topic is broad enough to include chapters on diversity and gender as well as areas within transnational discourse, and fan/audience communication especially regarding fan identity.ย
This book will provide a broad examination of crisis dialogue in esports. More specifically, this book aims to provide a way for readers to understand the history and development of communication in esports, differences within transnational fandom, and how these issues may influence the future of esports. This book will investigate the portrayal of esports characters within the games, use of crisis communication among gamers, investors, broadcasts, and fans to list a few categories. Examples of chapter topics could include issues like the rise of Twitch and crisis communication coverage, character selection and self-identification or any issue that includes crisis communication.ย
The target audience for this book is students, scholars, libraries, and gaming creators. However, the topic would also appeal to the general public especially those interested in gaming dialogue, professional sports, communication studies, and public relations.ย
Chapters should be between 4,000-6,000 words. If interested, please send your chapter ideas/titles to Mary L Sheffer at sheffer27@yahoo.com by January 31st, 2025.