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    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 34, 2022, Issue 6

    The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is a refereed journal designed to advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Mental toughness in youth sport coaches: A phenomenological exploration by Johannes Raabe, E. Earlynn Lauer & Matthew P. Bejar.

    A combination of scholarly research and practical applications results in an intriguing volume

    In his edited volume The Organizational Psychology of Sport: Key issues and practical applications (Routledge), Christopher R. D. Wagstaff sets out to combine a scholarly perspective with practical applications. Our reviewer is Sepand Mashregi, who is enticed by this approach and happy to recommend the book.

    An international perspective on the past, present, and future of sport psychology

    Andreas Stenling har read the Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology, edited by Robert J. Schinke, Kerry R. McGannon and Brett Smith (Routledge). He finds this addition to the pile of sport psychology handbooks already adorning his office desk a welcome supplement, both for its attention to emerging topics in the field and for some exciting prognostications of future developments.

    I huvudet på en forskare

    The Research Process in Sport, Exercise and Health: Case Studies of Active Researchers, sammanställd av Rich Neil, Sheldon Hanton, Scott Fleming & Kylie Wilson är en ny lärobok för forskarutbildning på grundnivå som bygger på verkliga case. Den recenseras av Andreas Ivarsson .

    Teoridriven praktik på avancerad nivå – inget för nybörjaren

    Lukas Linnér debuterar som recensent på forumet med sin läsning av Sheldon Hantons och Stephen Mellalieus antologi Professional Practice in Sport Psychology: A review, vars positiva sidor överväger.