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    Disputas | Seksuell trakassering og overgrep blant unge eliteutøvere, breddeutøvere og referansestudenter av Nina Sølvberg, Norges idrettshøgskole, 7 desember 2023

    Nina Sølvbergs mål med studien var å kartlegge seksuell trakassering og overgrep (STO) i og utenfor idretten. Elevene besvarte et spørreskjema ved to måletidspunkt (T1 og T2). Forekomsten av seksuell trakassering og overgrep (STO) var høy blant unge eliteutøvere, breddesutøvere og referansestudenter, og halvparten av de som rapporterte STO opplevde det igjen i løpet av ett år. Jenter rapporterte mer STO enn gutter og varslet oftere om sine opplevelser enn gutter.

    Call for Papers | “Rethinking Sport and Social Issues”, Special Issue of Social Sciences | Call ends September 1, 2022

    This special issue aims to bring together interdisciplinary discussions and analyses on contemporary sport, its transforming nature, and social issues connected to our way of understanding both sport and broader social life. With “rethinking sport” we want to emphasize the everchanging nature of sport. The issue welcomes contributions from a wide variety of perspectives including sociology, sport science, social work, cultural studies, gender studies, pedagogy, and more.

    “The future of women’s artistic gymnastics: Eight actions to protect gymnasts from abuse” | ISCWAG manifesto, August 19, 2020

    This manifesto is signed by 21 international scholars who are members of the International Socio-Cultural research group on Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (ISCWAG) and researchers associated with ISCWAG. We propose eight actions for the future of WAG, all of which aim to empower gymnasts and decentralise the authoritative position coaches, officials, support staff, and other authorities have in WAG.

    Call for Papers | “Tackling discrimination – visions of gender equality in sport”. 12th Annual Meeting of the Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport | University...

    The organizers are interested in bringing together scholars who are interested in issues of gender equality in sport. We welcome submissions that address a variety of gender issues such as sexuality, body, identity, gender-based discrimination (including harassment and abuse), LGBTIQ+ experiences, as well as practices of exclusion and marginalization in sport, physical activity, and school physical education.

    Call for Papers | “Burn it all down”: Policing the crisis of sexual abuse in sport | Special issue of Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies. Call ends June 1,...

    The #MeToo movement reveals a cultural and political climate in which women are devalued and disbelieved, in which institutions actively look the other way in pursuit of profit or status, and, importantly, in which women are increasingly striking back against patriarchal capitalism.We seek to consider manuscripts that relate to the Larry Nassar case directly, and/or in a broader sense.

    Call for Papers | “The Psychology and History of Sexual Violation in Sports and Its Condemnation” | Special Issue of Clio’s Psyche. Call ends April 30, 2018

    Why has sexual violation by powerful men in sports (recently gymnastics, previously hockey)—covered up, denied, suppressed, and repressed for so long—become a powerful theme in the American media since the fall of 2017?  Why are coaches, trainers, and doctors, whose predecessors usually got away with sexual assault, now being exposed, shamed, forced to resign, and convicted for unwanted touching and worse?

    Call for Papers | The Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport | Reykjavik University, Iceland, August 15–17 2018. Call ends June 10, 2018

    Founded in 2005, the working group aims for a transnational and interdisciplinary exchange of researchers with an interest in the study of sport and gender. The program of the 11th annual meeting focuses on sexism, discrimination, sexual harassment and violence studies in the field of Physical Education and sport, LGBTQ+, as well as leadership and coaches' perspectives.

    Call for Participation | Eliminating violence in sport and creating safety for athletes | Safe Sport International inaugural conference, Madrid, April 6–7, 2018

    Violence, including sexual, physical, psychological abuse and neglect, threatens not only the ethical and social basis of sport but also the physical, emotional and mental health of the athlete. The Safe Sport International (SSI) conference to addresses research evidence, policy responses, preventive strategies and the growing demand for safe sport practice to secure sport as a place of safety for all athletes.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Sexual Relationships between Athletes and Coaches: Love, Sexual Consent, and Abuse by Susanne Johansson

    Coach-athlete sexual relationships (CASR) and sexual harassment and abuse (SHA) in sport can profoundly impact athletes’ welfare and performance. Yet, it is often ignored due to sensitivity, secrecy, and lack of knowledge. This is the first thorough study of SHA in sport and legal, consensual, same-sex CASR in Sweden.
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