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    Vacancy | Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Application deadline January 27, 2025

    As a Professor at the Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we collaborate to advance public health through research focused on the promotion of health and the prevention, treatment and alleviation of disease. We engage in broad collaborations internally and externally, sharing our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses, and other researchers nationally and internationally.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Fitness clubs: A venue for public health? | Christina Gjestvang, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, February 17, 2022

    Christina Gjestvang’s PhD-project aimed to gain an increased understanding of those individuals who choose to join a fitness club, and are able to stay active, and continue with, regular exercise in a group of novice exercisers in their first year of a fitness club membership. A fitness club membership was not associated with increase in total physical activity level or numbers meeting the physical activity recommendations.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Mads Skauge, Nord University

    Mads Skauge is a PhD candidate in sociology at Nord University (Bodø). His doctoral thesis deals with social inequality in Norwegian youth participation and activity in organized sports and at commercial gyms. His research interests and fields of expertise are mainly within sports sociology, social inequality, youth, sports, fitness, public health, sports politics, e-sports, talent selection, football and quantitative methods.

    Call for Participation | Exercise, Health and Social Science: Current Approaches, Future Challenges | PhD course at the Dept. of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport, University of Copenhagen. Call ends...

    The aim of the course is to provide PhD students with in-depth knowledge about how social scientific inquiry has been used to study the link between sport, exercise and health (e.g. understanding rehabilitation programmes, new public health policy, the link between exercise and medicine, and the role for physical activity and exercise in healthcare).

    Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan söker: Lektor i idrottsvetenskap (100 %), inriktning folkhälsa och fysisk aktivitet, med placering vid institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap

    Anställningen som lektor i idrottsvetenskap, inriktning folkhälsa och fysisk aktivitet har ett huvudsakligt fokus mot fysisk aktivitet och hälsa inklusive beteendeförändringar gällande fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande. I ämnesområdet ingår speciellt hälsa relaterat till olika nivåer av fysisk aktivitet, alldaglig aktivitet, olika grader av motion samt stillasittande, inklusive epidemiologi.

    Forskarprofil | Annika Eliasson, Högskolan i Kristianstad

    Befattning FD, adjunkt i folkhälsovetenskap, Högskolan Kristianstad Adress Högskolan Kristianstad, 291 88 KRISTIANSTAD 044-250 30 00 E-mail Forskningsinriktning Idrottens globalisering Nyligen avslutat projekt Svensk fotboll i ett transnationellt nätverk På European Cultures in Sport James Riordan & Arnd Kruger (ed.) Bristol: Intellect 2001 (review in Swedish by Annika Eliasson, published 030726) Svenskt eller engelskt? Striden om den pedagogiska makten över svensk herrfotboll på seniornivå 1974-82 (artikel...
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