Call for Participation | Exercise, Health and Social Science: Current Approaches, Future Challenges | PhD course at the Dept. of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport, University of Copenhagen. Call ends May 22, 2018


Adam Evans, Lone Friis Thing and Laila Ottesen of University of Copenhagen will be hosting a PhD course August 21–24, 2018 at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports. The course is entitled “Exercise, Health and Social Science: Current Approaches, Future Challenges.

The aim of the course is to provide PhD students with more in depth knowledge about research on how social scientific inquiry has been used to study the link between sport, exercise and health (e.g. understanding rehabilitation programmes, new public health policy, the link between exercise and medicine, and considering the role for physical activity and exercise in healthcare). Furthermore, participants will participate in a number of workshops, which include information on how to prepare manuscripts for publication, what editors are looking for in the manuscript submission process and a ‘Young Researcher’ Forum. Participants will also have the opportunity to network with international students and experts. The course also provides a space to exchange ideas and knowledge about research methods related to the course topic. The course will enable communication, networking and cooperation among the students and the experts.

Speakers (subject to change)

    • Dominic Malcolm (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
    • Josef Fahlén (Umeå University, Sweden)
    • Fiona Dowling (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway)
    • Joe Piggin (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
    • Malin Österlind (Umeå University, Sweden)
    • Adam Evans (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Lone Friis Thing (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Laila Ottesen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Glen Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Stefano De Dominicis (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Gertrud Pfister (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Søren Bennike (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Stine Frydendal Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)


  1. Lectures about sport, exercise and health
  2. Student presentations of their PhD projects
  3. Opportunity for individual supervision by the invited experts
  4. Workshops on publication strategies, research methods and completing a PhD in the social sciences
  5. Social program

The course language is English and the venue is Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Nørre Allé 51, DK-2200  Copenhagen N.

Please register here before May 22, 2018. Students will be informed of their acceptance by June 22, 2018.


4 ECTS. Students willing to present their PhD project during the course (30 min. presentation) may be awarded with one additional ECTS point (=5 ECTS points total).

Course fee

No fee for PhD students under the Open Market in Denmark and NOVA partners. Each student must pay and arrange their own travel to the course. Other participants are to pay a course fee of 150 EUR.

This PhD course is supported by the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.


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