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    Tag: Peter Donnelly

    With Olympics approaching, it’s time to recognize children as a protected class in sport

    In most areas of society, children are afforded a protected status that safeguards their health and well-being. However, in sport, children are often denied such protection due to the autonomy of sport organizations and the belief that sport has certain inherent characteristics that set it apart from other social institutions (i.e., the specificity of sport). In this reprinted Conversation piece Peter Donnelly and Marcus Mazzucco argue for children to be recognized as a protected class in sport.

    Call for Participation | “Open Spaces and Social Good: Removing Obstacles to Sport and Physical Activity”, The Inaugural Peter Donnelly Lecture in Sport Policy Studies by Parissa Safai |...

    The Centre for Sport Policy Studies at U of T’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education invites one and all to an insightful event celebrating Dr. Donnelly’s impact and legacy in the fields of public sociology, critical sport studies and policy development. The lecture by Parissa Safai, the first doctoral student of Dr. Donnelly, will explore current issues and challenges regarding public health, access to safe, inclusive physical activity, and the values of sport.

    The International Sports Law Journal, Vol. 22, 2022, Issue 2 | Remedy and Redress for Sport-related Human Rights Harms

    The ISLJ is the only truly “international” peer-reviewed sports law journal consistently offering broad content coverage, such as significant case law analysis, legal commentary and sports related information from sports law experts around the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Evolution of CAS human rights jurisprudence: observations from Keramuddin Karim v. FIFA by Surbhi Kuwelker.

    International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 13, 2021, Issue 2 | Policy and Politics of Women’s Sport and Women in Sport.

    The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Women’s Tennis Diplomacy: Australia–China Cultural Relations and Li Na as a Sports Celebrity Diplomat of the Australian Open by Chuanqian Zhao & Jorge Knijnik.

    Useful for almost anyone interested in sports, but primarily as introductions

    Pam Sailors finds a useful metaphor in the Swiss army knife when reviewing Ethics and Governance in Sport: The future of sport imagined, edited by Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & Jim Parry (Routledge) – both are brilliantly designed, with many small and useful implements/chapters, but one requires sturdier stuff in order to construct big houses or conceive and conduct in-depth studies of sports.

    “Sport for Social Inclusion” | Special issue of Social Inclusion

    New special issue, Vol 5, No 2 (2017), of Social Inclusion, "Sport for Social Inclusion”, is now out. All articles are free to download (open access). Please feel free to share the articles with your colleagues. Editor: Reinhard Haudenhuyse (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

    An enjoyable, well written, and very Canadian tome on sport, politics and society

    Playing for Change: The Continuing Struggle for Sport and Recreation, edited by Russell Field (University of Toronto Press) is an homage, albeit in a very low-keyed, Canadian sort of way, to Bruce Kidd, athlete, activist and scholar. In his review for, Alan Bairner is very pleased with what he reads; however, he is unable to find in this book about struggle a discussion of gender and sexuality.

    Idrott och samhälle i Kanada

    Anders Östnäs Nordic Evaluation Group, NORDEG  Peter Donnelly (red) Taking Sport Seriously: Social Issues in Canadian Sport 370 sidor, . Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing 2011 ISBN 978-1-55077-206-7 Inledning Den här boken utgör den tredje upplagan, och innehåller, vilket redaktören Peter Donnelly – Director of the Centre for Sport Policy Studies in the Faculty of Physical Education and Health vid universitetet i Toronto – framhåller, nästan idel nya...

    Idealisk lärobok om idrott och samhälle

    Bosse Carlsson Routledge har nyligen gett ut fyra volymer (1 700 sidor) med den ambitiösa, men mindre upplysande, titeln Sport. Det är Eric Dunning och Dominic Malcom som står för urvalet av ”kritiska” sociologiska artiklar. Priset för denna samling av tidigare publicerade artiklar är 9 273 skr (2003-10-19). Det stämmer! Ni läser rätt – nästan tio tusen kronor för fyra böcker! Men...