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    Call for Papers | 11th Bienniale of ARIS, Association for Research on Intervention in Sport | Liège université, Februaty 25–28, 2020. Call ends September 15, 2019

    The questions posed to the researchers and practitioners at this conference will aim at identifying avenues of action and exchanging best practices that will meet the expectations of all the actors concerned. In addition, the conference will open a critical discussion on the concepts mobilized in the current evolution of the missions of physical educators.

    Call for Participation | The 2nd International Congress of Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Dance | Alanya, Turkey, April 20–21, 2019

    We wish to welcome researchers, educators, graduate students and professionals from all over the world in Alanya/Antalya to present their papers and contribute to the 2nd International Physical Education, Sports, Recreation and Dance Congress. The language of the symposium is Turkish and English. Papers, posters, panels and workshops will be evaluated.

    Call for Papers | Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2019 | Norges idrettshøgskole, 6–7 juni, 2019. Abstract frist 7 april 2019

    Konferansen arrangeres for åttende gang på Norges idrettshøgskole, torsdag 6. og fredag 7. juni 2019. Hensikten med konferansene er å samles rundt ny forskning, utveksle erfaringer og etablere nye nettverk. Målgruppe for konferansen er lærere som underviser i kroppsøving og idrettsfag og ansatte og studenter ved høgskoler og universitet.

    Call for Papers | “Milestones in the Histories of Sport and Physical Culture”. 2019 ISHPES Congress | Madrid Spain, July 14–17, 2019. Call ends February 15, 2019

    Scholars are invited to submit sessions including three abstracts related to the main topic, or individual abstracts on a subtopic. Abstract submission is exclusively via email. A thematic session includes three papers relating to one topic.Presenters need to be an ISHPES member to present a paper, and a person can only present one paper as first author.

    Call for Papers | International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, AIESEP, 2019 International Conference | Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, June 19–22, 2019. Call ends January 7, 2019

    The 2019 AIESEP conference theme is Building Bridges for Physical Activity and Sport. The 2019 scientific program invites research, research applications, and theoretical presentations from multiple perspectives on physical education, sport pedagogy, physical activity and exercise for young children, youth and adults.

    Call for Papers | The 3rd International Conference on Physical Activity, Sport and Health for Development in Africa (IC-PASHDA) | September 19–21, 2018, University of Ghana, Accra. Call ends...

    The overall theme for this conference is “Inclusive and Innovative Physical activity, Sport and Health Education for Sustainable Development in Africa”. We welcome professionals, scholars, and practitioners in the broad fields of Exercise and Sport Science, Physical Education, Urban Planning, Nutrition, Sports for Peace and Development, Leisure and Recreation Studies from across the globe.

    Call for Papers | “Sport for All – History of a Vision Around the World” | 19th ISHPES Congress, Münster, Germany, July 18–21, 2018. Call ends February 15, 2018

    Scholars are invited to submit sessions including three abstracts related to the main topic, or individual abstracts focused upon one of a number subtopics such as ‘Sports, movement cultures, and health around the world’; ‘New approaches to Olympic history’; ‘Historical approaches to mega-events in sport’; and ’Gender diversity in various physical culture and sports’.

    Call for Participation | Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2017 | Norges idrettshøgskole, 8. og 9. juni 2017

    Kroppsøvingskonferansen avholdes på Norges idrettshøgskole 8. og 9. juni 2017. Hensikten med konferansen er å dele kunnskap om kroppsøvingsfaget i bevegelse gjennom å samles rundt ny forskning, utveksle erfaringer og etablere nye nettverk.

    Call for Papers | ENSE Sport Summit 2017 | September 12-14 2017, Aarhus University. Call ends June 1, 2017

    2017 marks Aarhus as European Capital of Culture. In conjunction with Aarhus University and ENSE we are celebrating this milestone bringing universities, institutions and organizations involved in physical education, sport science and leisure sports together. It is with great pleasure to invite you to this international conference where information, research, physical education and projects are presented.

    Call for Papers | Cultures, Disciplines, Interactions: Contextualizing Diversity in Physical Activities and Physical Education, AIESEP International Conference | 7–10 November 2017, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France

    The purpose of the 2017 AIESEP conference is to provide an opportunity to enhance dialogue between various viewpoints and perspectives with regard to the future of physical education and sport activities in relation to cultures, identities and diversities. Physical activity contexts are more and more subject to the participants’ cultural variations and numerous identities.