Tag: Halmstad University
Save the Dates | Sustainability and the impact on health and well-being, 10th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference | June 14–16, 2023 at Halmstad University, Sweden
The 10th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference will focus on UN Agenda 2030 and the impact on health and well-being in the sustainability goals. The conference will emphasise Goal 3 – but also how it is impacting the other 16 goals. How can Agenda 2030 be understood from a health promotion perspective, and what efforts must be made to maintain sustainability beyond 2030?
Seminarier: Esporten i samhället | Blackbox, DLC, Högskolan i Halmstad, den 4 oktober 2019
En grupp forskare på Högskolan i Halmstad håller på att skapa en plattform för e-sport och högre utbildning. Ett steg i detta är en serie seminarier om Esport, utbildning/forskning, näringsliv och föreningsliv. Därefter följer ett stort event/LAN som heter LevelUp. Kolla på finalerna i gymnasieligan och andra kändismatcher samtidigt som du får ta del av ovärderlig kunskap från forskare som visar hur du kan bli bättre på e-sport.
Högskolan i Halmstad: Arvet efter bordtennis-VM – elitsatsning kombinerat med studier
Det framgångsrika samarbetet mellan svensk bordtennis och Högskolan i Halmstad som grundlades vid lag-VM i Halmstad tas nu till nästa nivå, genom ett avtal mellan de båda parterna kring satsning på elitidrott kombinerat med akademiska studier.
Call for Papers | The Science and Practice of Racket Sport for Improved performance and Health: Special Focus on Table Tennis | Sport Science Conference, April 25–27, Halmstad University,...
Three topics will be in focus: a) High performance, b) Health and Innovation, c) Sport sciences. Thus, we expect the Conference to provide an excellent possibility to discuss interdisciplinary perspectives on health and racket sports focusing on keywords such as adapted physical activity, promotion, prevention, treatment and evaluation.
Save the Date | The Science and Practice of Racket Sport for Improved performance and Health: Special Focus on Table Tennis | Halmstad University, April 25–27, 2018
Three topics will be in focus: a) High performance, b) Health and Innovation, c) Sport sciences. Thus, we expect the Conference to provide an excellent possibility to discuss interdisciplinary perspectives on health and racket sports focusing on keywords such as adapted physical activity, promotion, prevention, treatment and evaluation.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | You don’t have to love it: Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using self-determination theory in a digital context | Karin Weman Josefsson
Karin Weman Josefsson, Dept. of Psychology, Halmstad University, will defend her dissertation You don’t have to love it: Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using self-determination theory in a digital context, at University of Gothenburg. The defense will take place on Friday April 29, 2016.