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    Tag: consumer behavior

    Call for Papers | “Consumer Behaviour in Sports Tourism, Recreation and Leisure”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. Call ends September 30, 2020

    There is a strong need for research in this area for sport tourism, recreation and leisure to understand the consumers and provide hands-on practical implications to sport tourism and leisure organizations. The aim of this special issue to present high-quality research and/or theory-driven conceptual frameworks relating to these forms of consumption in sport tourism, recreation and leisure.

    Call for Papers | Antologi: Sport Management, Del III, Idrottens marknader och idrott som livsstil och konsumtionskultur. Deadline den 1 december 2019

    Har du forskning inom det här området? Är du intresserad av att bidra till detta läromedel? Vi har i dagarna börjat planera den tredje volymen i serien om sport management på svenska, och söker nu relevanta ämnesområden och möjliga artiklar för Del III, som vi avser att ägna åt idrottens marknader och idrott som livsstil och konsumtionskultur. Vi hoppas höra av dig under de närmaste veckorna.

    Call for Papers | “Experimental Research in Sport Consumer Behavior” | Special Issue of Sport Marketing Quarterly. Call ends December 15, 2017

    This special issue seeks to: (a) further the theoretical understanding of sport consumers through experimental methods and (b) enhance awareness and appreciation of the benefits of using an experimental approach in sport consumer behavior research.

    Call for Papers | Special Issue of Journal of Sport Management  on Sport Consumer Behavior 

    Guest Editors Daniel Funk Mark Pritchard Daniel Lock Adam Karg Consumer Behavior Research in the field of Sport Management continues to grow in both popularity and sophistication. A guiding principle in much of this research is that consumers seek out sport-related experiences, and the benefits they yield, in order to satisfy innate needs and wants through acquisition. One outcome of this focus is that...
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