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    International Sport Coaching Journal, Volume 10, 2023, Issue 2

    International Sport Coaching Journal is a venture of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). Its mission is to advance the profession of coaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: An Exploration of Coaching Practice: How Do High-Level Adventure Sports Coaches Develop Independence in Learners? by Chris Eastabrook, Robin D. Taylor, Pamela Richards, Loel Collins.

    International Sport Coaching Journal, Volume 8, 2021, Issue 3

    International Sport Coaching Journal is a venture of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). Its mission is to advance the profession of coaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: An Ecological Insight Into the Design and Integration of Attacking Principles of Play in Professional Rugby Union: A Case Example by Jim McKay, Keith Davids, Sam Robertson, Carl T. Woods.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 2

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Coaches’ influence on team dynamics in sport: A scoping review by Chris Hague, Cailie S. McGuire, Jordan Chen, Mark W. Bruner, Jean Côté, Jennifer Turnnidge & Luc J. Martin.

    Journal of Sport Behavior, Vol. 43, 2020, No. 2

    JSB publishes original, empirical, investigative, and theoretical papers dealing with the studies of behavior in the areas of game and sport. Essentially, the JSB is interested in sociological, psychological, anthropological, and related applications to the science of sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: MINDFULNESS IN COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS: A CASE STUDY AT A DIVISION I UNIVERSITY by Christina M. Aaron; Brian T. Gearity; Clayton R. Kuklick.

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 36, 2019, Issue 4

    The Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The purpose of SSJ is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays.

    Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, Volume 9, 2018, Issue 3

    Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education has a particular focus on social science research-based articles that make reference to other critical work in the field and/or discuss particular issues of practice-focused research within the specific professional field.