Tag: amateur sports
Call for Participants | “Doping and amateur athletes”, online Short Talk, free of charge | June 22, 2023, at 17:00 CEST
Neyond the realm of professional sports, doping is common in gyms and recreational sports, spreading among amateur athletes. These amateur athletes are rarely subjected to anti-doping polices and controls, less even to prevention and information sessions. Their medical supervision cannot be compared either to the support that professional athletes get. We invite you to join our next webinar, co-hosted with the Human Enhancement Drugs Network (HEDN), on amateur athletes and doping.
Disputas | ”Kjærlighed”, ”Sportsgribbe” og ”Cirkusartister”: Amatørførestillingar i norsk idrettsoffentlegheit 1866-1907 av Gudmund Skjeldal, Norges idrettshøgskole, 22 juni 2022
Var det britiske sportsførestillingar, eller kunsttradisjonen alt som var etablert i landet? Kva trugsmål såg bladredaktørane vel så mykje i sirkuset som i proff-tilveret? Dette er berre nokre av spørsmåla Gudmund Skjeldal gjev svar på i doktorgrada si. I avhandlinga gjev Skjeldal ei idéhistorisk framstilling av kva amatørførestillingar som fanst i norsk idrettsoffentlegheit, og korleis dei utvikla seg, i åra 1866-1907.
Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 4, 2018, No 1
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 3, 2017, No 3: Family Issues in Amateur Athletics
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 3, 2017, No 2
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 3, 2017, No 1
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 2, 2016. No 2
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport Volume 2, No 1 (2016)
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport Volume One, Issue Two (2015)
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
Journal of Amateur Sport Volume One, Issue One (2015)
The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.