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    Sport Scholar Profile | Ask Vest Christiansen, Aarhus University

    Ask Vest Christiansen is an Associated Professor at the Section for Sport Science, Aarhus University. His main research area is humanistic doping research; doping in elite sports as well as recreational athletes’ use of performance and image enhancing substances. Long interviews are being carried out in order to understand the use of these substances as a cultural rather than medical problem.

    Call for Papers | ENSE Sport Summit 2017 | September 12-14 2017, Aarhus University. Call ends June 1, 2017

    2017 marks Aarhus as European Capital of Culture. In conjunction with Aarhus University and ENSE we are celebrating this milestone bringing universities, institutions and organizations involved in physical education, sport science and leisure sports together. It is with great pleasure to invite you to this international conference where information, research, physical education and projects are presented.

    Adjunkt i idrætspsykologi til Sektion for Idræt, Aarhus Universitet | Ansøgningsfrist 26.03.2017

    Ansættelsen er 4 årig og stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling med 37 timer ugentligt, der forventes besat 1. september 2017 eller snarest derefter. Den der ansættes, vil blive tilknyttet forskningsenheden ”Sport og Kropskultur” på Sektion for Idræt. Sektion for Idræt har det overordnede ansvar for forskning i idrætsrelaterede spørgsmål og undervisning af idrætsstuderende.

    Postdoc in sports and migration research to Aarhus University, Section for Sport Science

    A position as post.doc. is available at Department of Public Health, Section for Sport Science at Aarhus University around 1 June 2015 (two years). The fellowship covers research in sports and migration as a part of the humanistic and social science research unit Sports and Body Culture.

    Associate professorships in sport biology at Section for Sports Science at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University

    Two associate professorships at Section for Sports Science at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University are vacant for employment with starting date 1 January 2015. The Department of Public Health comprises a number of sections, including Section for Sport Science. In addition to offering a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree Programme in Sport Science, the Section carries out research in...

    Forskarprofil | Martin Friis Andersen, Aarhus Universitet

    Martins primære forskningsinteresser er erindringsstudier, humangeografiske studier, historiebrug samt idrætshistorie. I sin PhD-afhandling om "Olympiske Lege som sted og erindring", undersøger han ud fra et dansk perspektiv bl.a. hvordan OL fungerer som erindringssted, og hvordan olympiske lege manifesterer sig i erindringen på individuelt og kollektivt plan.

    Call for participants: Sports, Globalization and Migration, PhD course, Aarhus University

    Aarhus University (Denmark) welcomes Ph.D.-level researchers in the growing field of sports labour migration for a three-day seminar, presentation, and workshop series featuring leading experts Professor Joseph Maguire, Professor Alan Klein, and Professor Niko Besnier. The series will take place June 17-20, 2014 at the Sandbjerg Estate. Accepted applicants will receive complimentary lodging, meals, and transportation to/from Billund Airport or Sønderborg...

    PhD seminar in Sports, Globalization and Migration, June 17-20, 2014 at Sandbjerg Estate. Application deadline May 6, 2014

    This PhD seminar aims to gather PhD students and experts in the growing field of research in sports labour migration. The presenters have been pioneers for the development of the research field and are currently contributing to the theorizing on globalization and mobility in sports. The PhD seminar takes place at Sandbjerg Estate on June 17 – 20, 2014. Deadline...

    Censorater i censorkorpset for Idrætsuddannelserne i Danmark. Ansøgningsfrist: 5. januar 2014

    I overensstemmelse med Bekendtgørelse om eksamen og censur ved universitetsuddannelser (eksamensbekendtgørelsen) af 24. juni 2012 (BEK nr. 666) opslås censorater for perioden 1. april 2014 - 31. marts 2018. Beskikkelsen foretages af Ministeriet for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser efter indstilling fra Censorformandskabet. På ses En oversigt over de fagområder, der opslås censorater i En beskrivelse af censorernes opgaver Krav til censorernes...

    Associate Professor in Sport and Body Culture Studies to Aarhus University. Apply by Jan. 2 2014

    The Research Unit for Sport and Body Culture at the Section for Sport Science, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University is seeking applications for an Associate Professor with an expected start as soon as possible. The successful candidate will be part of the Research Unit for Sport and Body Culture. Please find an outline of the unit’s research activities on...
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