A Safe World for Kids
Edward M. Wojtys
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
David B. Bregman
Letter to the Editor Response
Matthew Matava, D. Craig Brater, Nancy Gritter, Robert Heyer, Douglas Rollins, Theodore Schlegel, Robert Toto, and Anthony Yates
Sports Physical Therapy
Reliability of a New Stabilized Dynamometer System for the Evaluation of Hip Strength
Timothy W. Tourville, Helen C. Smith, Sandra J. Shultz, Pamela M. Vacek, James R. Slauterbeck, Robert J. Johnson, and Bruce D. Beynnon
Effect of Subject Restraint and Resistance Pad Placement on Isokinetic Knee Flexor and Extensor Strength: Implications for Testing and Rehabilitation
Roald Otten, Rod Whiteley, and Tim Mitchell
Athletic Training
Accuracy of Calendar-Based Methods for Assigning Menstrual Cycle Phase in Women
Laurie Wideman, Melissa M. Montgomery, Beverly J. Levine, Bruce D. Beynnon, and Sandra J. ShultzSports
Primary Care
Grade III Liver Laceration in a Female Volleyball Player
Abby E. Milton, Pamela J. Hansen, Kevin C. Miller, and Yeong S. Rhee
Glenohumeral Joint Injections: A Review
Christopher Gross, Aman Dhawan, Daniel Harwood, Eric Gochanour, and Anthony Romeo
Concussion in Sports
Heather J. McCrea, Kenneth Perrine, Sumit Niogi, and Roger Härtl
Stress Fractures of the Pelvis and Legs in Athletes: A Review
Steve B. Behrens, Matthew E. Deren, Andrew Matson, Paul D. Fadale, and Keith O. Monchik
Orthopaedic Surgery
Allograft Replacement for Absent Native Tissue
Salma Chaudhury, Florian Wanivenhaus, Alice J. Fox, Russell F. Warren, Maureen Doyle, and Scott A. Rodeo
Non-FOOSH Scaphoid Fractures in Young Athletes: A Case Series and Short Clinical Review
Michael R. Johnson, Brian T. Fogarty, Curt Alitz, and John P. Gerber
Current Concepts in Examination and Treatment of Elbow Tendon Injury
Todd S. Ellenbecker, Robert Nirschl, and Per Renstrom
Society News