Tag: health
Vacancy | Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Application deadline January 27, 2025
As a Professor at the Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we collaborate to advance public health through research focused on the promotion of health and the prevention, treatment and alleviation of disease. We engage in broad collaborations internally and externally, sharing our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses, and other researchers nationally and internationally.
Call for Papers | Competing for Change: Exploring Sustainability and (Mental) Health through Sports, FISU World Conference | Bochum, Germany, July 17–19, 2025. Call ends December 21, 2024
With its origin dating back to 1960, the FISU World Conference is a core element and the academic highlight of the FISU World University Games. Within a three-day programme, the FISU World Conference creates a platform for interdisciplinary scientific exchange and stimulates research and creativity beyond the scope of academia. In 2025, the FISU World Conference will include outstanding keynotes and panelists and further provide a platform for innovative formats and engaging opportunities which are open to the general public.
Call for Participation | Health and Fitness in the 21st century: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Field | Regis College, Weston MA, November 15, 2024. Registration deadline is November...
This one-day conference is an event that brings together professionals and scholars in the fields of health and fitness to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities we face a quarter way through the 21st century. With new dynamics at play and issues to navigate, those working in health and fitness fields need to work together to share best practices and ideas at the forefront of our community.
Offentligt försvar av en doktorsavhandling | Likvärdighet i idrott och hälsa?, av Alexander Jansson | Malmö universitet, den 18 september 2024
Den här avhandlingen handlar om likvärdighet i skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Mer precist är syftet att bidra med ny kunskap om hur likvärdighet i idrott och hälsa kan förstås, mätas och har förändrats under åren 2000–2017. I välfärdsstater runt om i världen, såväl som i Sverige, är likvärdighet ett centralt mål – men vad betyder och innebär egentligen likvärdighet? Vad är det som ska vara likvärdigt och när är skolan (tillräckligt) likvärdig? Hur kan man mäta likvärdighet och hur har likvärdigheten förändrats över tid – har den försämrats, förbättrats eller bestått oförändrad?
Disputas | The Darker Side of Youth Sport: Unraveling Psychosocial Factors Driving Health-Compromising Behaviors Among Adolescent Athletes av Jan Åge Kristensen, Norges idrettshøgskole, 5. mars 2024
Målet med doktorgradsprosjektet er å avdekke ulike psykososiale risiko- og beskyttelsesfaktorer egnet til å påvirke unge utøveres usunne helsevalg innen idrett. Eksempler på slike er bruk av smertestillende preparater, kosttilskudd, doping og fortsatt deltakelse i trening og konkurranse til tross for skade. Prosjektet er forankret i en sosial-kognitiv teoriramme der vi utforsket en rekke beskyttende og risikofremmende personlige og kontekstuelle faktorer forbundet med usunne helsevalg.
Call for Participation | The Sociologies of Health, Sport and Illness: Synthesis or Separation | An FSHI-sponsored seminar, Loughborough University, February 28, 2024. Reserve a spot!
We are pleased to announce an upcoming seminar exploring the connections between the sociologies of sport and health and illness. The seminar will be held at Loughborough University on 28th February 2024. See below or attached for details. The event is funded by the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness so attendance (incl. lunch etc.) is free.
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, Volume 15, 2023, Issue 5
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health is a landmark publication – it is the first international journal solely dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of qualitative research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Elite but not elitist”: Negotiating race, place, class, and culture in public physical activity spaces by Andrew Carter, Michael Dao, Adam Alexander & Vicky Gomez.
American Journal of Health Education, Volume 54, 2023, Issue 4
The mission of AJHE is to publish research manuscripts that focus on Health Education and Health Promotion interventions designed to prevent or delay the onset of the major chronic diseases and illnesses. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Adaptation Processes of Survivors and Informal Caregivers after Stroke: A Scoping Review through the Lens of Educational Sciences by Ana Moura, Patrícia Magalhães, Sofia Castanheira Pais & Elisabete Alves.
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, Volume 14, 2023, Issue 2
CSHPE has a particular focus on social science research-based articles that make reference to other critical work in the field and/or discuss particular issues of practice-focused research within the specific professional field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Menstrual health education in Australian schools by Christina Curry, Tania Ferfolja, Kathryn Holmes, Kelly Parry, M. Sherry & Mike Armour (open access).
Performance Enhancement & Health, Vol. 11, 2023, Issue 2
Performance Enhancement & Health (PEH) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Why size matters; rugby union and doping by Luke Thomas Joseph Cox, Mike McNamee, Andrea Petróczi, Andrew Bloodworth.