Happy New Year!
Edward M. Wojtys
Sports Physical Therapy
Isometric Shoulder Strength Reference Values for Physically Active Collegiate Males and Females
Richard B. Westrick, Michele L. Duffey, Kenneth L. Cameron, J. Parry Gerber, and Brett D. Owens
Athletic Training
The Balance Error Scoring System Learned Response Among Young Adults
Ivan J. Mulligan, Mark A. Boland, and Carol V. McIlhenny
Effects of Cold Modality Application With Static and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression on Tissue Temperature and Systemic Cardiovascular Responses
Seth W. Holwerda, Cynthia A. Trowbridge, Kathryn S. Womochel, and David M. Keller
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Elbow: A Structured Approach
Srinath C. Sampath, Srihari C. Sampath, and Miriam A. Bredella
The Primer for Sports Medicine Professionals on Imaging: The Shoulder
Nadja A. Farshad-Amacker, Sapna Jain Palrecha, and Mazda Farshad
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee
Thomas W. Hash, II