OUT NOW! Special issue of RICYDE: “Sport Marketing and Management”


ricydeRICYDE, Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte (International Journal of Sport Science), has published a special issue in English, on Sport Marketing and Management. The titles link to its abstract, whence a free full-text pdf file can be accessed.


The paradoxical marketing of sports equipment brands.
José A. Martínez 1-3


The effect of central contracts on the stability and performance of the England Test cricket team.
Steven Bullough, Robbie Millar, Girish Ramchandani, Richard Coleman 4-15

Football clubs ownership and management. The fans perspective. 
Ramon Llopis-Goig 16-33

Television Coverage and Outcome Uncertainty in Sports: Empirical Evidence from the NBA and WNBA.
Yubo Wag, Wright Hilsman, Steven Caudill, Franklin Mixon 34-45

Value-based stakeholder loyalty toward sport technology. A case of the electronic body protector and scoring system in taekwondo events. 
Yong Jae Ko, Yonghwan Chang, Yong-Chae Rhee, Joseph S Valacich, Youngjin Hur, Chanmin Park 46-62

A Cross-Validation Study of the Other Customers Perceptions Scale in the Context of Sport and Fitness Centres.
Nicholas D Theodorakis 63-74

Historical and contemporary trends in competitive balance in the Commonwealth Games.
Girish Ramchandani, Darryl Wilson 75-88


Dr. Packianathan “Chella” Chelladurai: An Eminent Scholar in Sport Management. 
Donna L. Pastore 89-90


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