Nyhetsbrev från AIESEP 7/2 2013

  • aiesepIt is now time to renew your AIESEP membership. Do not hesitate to download the new membership form. For ease of payment, we offer three modes.
  • AIESEP is now on Facebook. Just “search” for AIESEP or click this link.
  • AIESEP’s 2013 Conference on “Physical Education and Sport: Challenging the Future” will be held in Warsaw, Poland between July 4-7, 2013.. Please visit conference website www.aiesep2013.com and learn more about registration, the programme, travel, and accommodation.
  • The 2013 AIESEP Specialist Seminar is due to take place in Jyväskylä, Finland, on 12th-14th September 2013. This seminar will bring together experts with an interest in tackling questions and issues related to the role of physical education teacher education in ensuring quality PE in the classroom. The seminar hopes to facilitate the sharing of best practice between teacher education professionals from various countries, including those who educate PE specialists, classroom teachers, kindergarten teachers and teachers in special education. As this is a specialist seminar, spaces are limited to approximately 80 delegates and the organisers are currently making a list of those who might be interested in attending. If you would like to be included in this list and be kept informed regarding the seminar please send an email with your contact details to aiesep2013@jyu.fi. You will then receive information regarding registration, etc. as it becomes available. For more information see: https://www.jyu.fi/sport/liikunnantarina/AIESEP/aiesep
  • The next AIESEP World Congress will be held in Auckland (New Zealand) on February 10-13, 2014. Preliminary information is available on Internet (www.aiesep2014.com). Regular precisions will be provided through the AIESEPFlash Newsletter as well as on the AIESEP Website. Continue to be attentive.
  • The Special Interest Group (SIG) in Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) will hold their “Invisible College” April 27-28, 2013 prior to the AERA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Registration for the Meeting will open on December 20, 2012. See www.aera.net for more details and contact Bryan McCullick (bamccull@uga.edu) for more information about the “Invisible College.”
  • First announcement – The European Fair Play Movement Executive Committee decided to award the organization of the 19th European Fair Play Congress on 5-8 June, 2013 in Turkey. More information about this congress will be available on the website within the coming days. Registration of presentation: by fax +90 212 560 00 55 or e-mail info@olimpiyat.org.tr by April 8th 2013.
  • The conference, Women’s Football: Played, Watched, Talked About is issuing a call for abstracts.  The conference will be held 21st and 22nd of June 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The aim is to share information and knowledge about women’s football, the games and the players, the male and female fans as well as the media coverage. At the same time, the event will provide the opportunity for networking and promoting international cooperation among researchers on women’s football. Deadline for submission: February 28, 2013. For further details please visit the conference website www.nexs.ku.dk/FREECpH2013
  • Invitation to submit research papers and academic paper for presentation at the 3rd Institute of Physical Education International Conference. The theme is “Sport Industry: Golden Opportunity for Economy, Social , and Education” and the meeting will be held 28-30 August 2013 at the Emerald Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. Submissions must be sent by 15 June 2013, via e-mail at ipeic2013@hotmail.com, or ipeic@ipe.ac.th   – For more information please visit: https://idrottsforum.org/konferens-i-thailand-pa-temat-sport-industry-golden-opportunity-for-economy-social-and-education/
  • International Physical Literacy Conference will be held in Bedford, UK this June. The extension of deadline date for abstracts is now March 1st 2013. We look forward to welcoming colleagues from across the world to the conference. Details can be found on the Physical Literacy website Homepage and the University of Bedfordshire website in the section on ISPAR – The Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research http://www.beds.ac.uk/research/ispar/conferences
  • The 8th FIEP European Congress will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia from 29th of August to 1st of September 2013. Congress’ topic is “Physical Education and Sports Perspectives of Children and Youth in Europe.” The deadline for registration and sending abstracts is 31st of April 2013. Registration form and more information can be found on the congress’ website (www.fiep2013bratislava.com).
  • The European Education Research Association (EERA) announced details of its next conference: ECER, Istanbul from the 9th-13th September 2013 on the theme Creativity and innovation in educational research. Read more on the conference theme http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer2013/programme/conference-theme/ Submissions need to be directed to one of the 29 EERA networks and can be submitted as paper, poster, round table, research workshop or symposium. Please read carefully the Network descriptors on the EERA website to ensure that your submission is in line with the Network’s research focus. You may also consider consulting the guidelines on the format of presentations before handing in your proposal. Important dates: Emerging Researchers’ Conference: 9 – 10 September 2013; Main Conference: 10 – 13 September 2013; Submission Deadline: 1 February 2013; Review Results: 2 April 2013.
  • The Faculty of Education of the Trakia University will organized an International Conference on Education “Innovations, Challenges and Tendencies in Post Modern Education” on 12-13 September 2013. This conference will take place inStara Zagora, Bulgaria. For more detailed information please look at the official page of the conference: http://pf-conference.info and http://www.uni-sz.bg/pf/index.html
  • The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sport (APCESS 2013) will be held at Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan from November 2 to 5, 2013 with the theme “Caring for the Future Generation: A Holistic Approach Leading towards Health and Active Living.” There will be 5 keynote and 4 invited speakers, 13 symposiums with 52 presenters and 8 workshops with practical applications. It represents the largest number of presentations of international speakers in the APCESS history. Also this will also be the first time the organizing committee of APCESS lends their full support to invite 21 young graduate students from 12 countries/regions to serve as volunteers and present their work in poster sessions. Information on registration is available at http://apcess2013.pccu.edu.tw/index.aspx.
  • FIEP presents the results of elections for 2013-2016. FIEP World Executive Board: President: Almir GRUHN (Brazil); International Vice-President: Branislav ANTALA (Slovakia): General Secretary: Claudio Augusto BOSHI (Brazil); Secretary: Rudolfo BUENAVENTURA (Argentina); Treasurer General: Fabio André CASTILHA (Brazil); Treasurer: Carlos Raul LORDA PAZ (Brazil); Secretary for Continent Arab: Mohamed ALGARNAS (Saudi Arabia). For his program, the next FIEP congress will be held in Brastilava: 29.8.-1.9.2013 http://www.fiep2013bratislava.com/
  • esigned to Move. In line with the current working programme, ICSSPE has, in cooperation with NIKE and ACSM, co-authored a publication which illustrates the positive effects sport can set free, particularly with regard to children and young people. The study, entitled “Designed to Move”, includes a number of examples of initiatives, campaigns and organisations engaging in the field. It can be ordered via the ICSSPE website following the linkhttps://www.icsspe.org/bookshop/designed-moveInterested persons can order a free hard copy following the link ‘Scientific Resources’. They would only be requested to cover expenses for postage.

Secretary General of AIESEP
Association Internationale des Ecoles Supérieures d’Education Physique
International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education
Department of Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Liege
Allee des Sports, 4 Bat. B-21
B-4000 LIEGE
Tél. : +32 (0)4 366.38.80
Fax. : +32 (0)4 366. 29.01



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