“There’s no way I can do all of this”: The Perceived Impacts of Stress Exposure on the Academic Development of Collegiate Athletes
Sarah Haslerig
“I am not your Student-Athlete”: Investigating Social Identity Complexity as a Stereotype Threat Mitigation Strategy to Reduce Barriers to Academic Engagement
Jacob English & Ann Cale Kruger
Antiblackness in College Athletics: Facilitating High Impact Campus Engagement and Successful Career Transitions among Black Athlete
Eddie Comeaux & Sara Grummer
An Examination of Culturally Responsive Programming for Black Student-Athletes’ Holistic Development at Division I Historically White Institutions
Shannon Jolly, Joseph Cooper, Jepkorir (Rose) Chepyator-Thomson
Collaboration between Athletic and Campus Advisors: Ensuring College Athletes’ Success
Lisa Rubin & William A. Lewis
Connected at the HIP: Exploring Quality Dimensions in First-Year Seminars for Student-Athletes
Nikola Grafnetterova, Chelsi L. Hawkinson, & Rachel L. Rodriguez
Engaging College Athletes In and Through Graduate Study: Academic Trajectories and Implications
Siduri Heserlig
College Football Players’ Transitions out of Their Sport:A Qualitative Exploration
Taylor Payne & Andrew Driska