Conference Report: The Best Education Network Think Tank XIII: Engaging Communities in Sustainable Tourism Development, Taylors University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013
Research other, Pages 1-5
Diem-Trinh Le-Klähn, Deborah Edwards
A teacher’s perspective on student centred learning: Towards the development of best practice in an undergraduate tourism course
Original Research Article, Pages 6-14
Aise KyoungJin Kim, Jenny Davies
How do Egyptian hotel management students feel about studying alcohol service?
Original Research Article, Pages 15-25
Mohamed Fawzi Afifi
Cracks in the ivory tower? A survey-based analysis of undergraduate tourism education and educators in China
Original Research Article, Pages 26-38
Bihu Wu, Alastair M. Morrison, Jia Kate Yang, Jun Laurel Zhou, Li Lisa Cong