Forskarprofil | Helge Chr. Pedersen, UIT – Norges Arktiske Universitet




  • Førsteamanuensis i historie / Associate Professor in History


  • Institutt for Lærerutdanning og pedagogikk, UiT – Norges Arktiske Universitet, Campus Alta / Department of Education / UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Campus Alta
  • E-mail

Scholarly interests

  • Idrettshistorie, idrett, identitet og etnisitet, nordnorsk kulturhistorie, samisk historie og kultur / History of Sport, Sport, Identity and Ethnicity, Northern Norwegian Cultural History, Sámi History and Culture.

Ongoing project

  • Idrett og identiteter i Nord-Norge / Sport and Identities in Northern Norway

Selected publications

Idrett – et minoritetspolitisk redskap? Skole og idrett i Indre Finnmark i mellom- og etterkrigstiden. Idrott, Historia, Samhälle. Svenska Idrottshistoriska Förenings Årsskrift 2013.
Idrettsliv i etniske grenseområder. Modernisering, identitet og idrett i Finnmark, 1908-2010. August 2013. Avhandling levert for graden Philosophiae Doctor, UiT – Norges Arktiske Universitet, August 2013.
Skiing and Sport in the Core Sámi Area of Norway, 1927 to 1964: Organisation, Modernisation and Minority Policy. The International Journal of the History of Sport Vol. 30, nr. 6 2013.
Sport, ethno-politics and Sámi identity in northern Norway. The organizing of the Sámi Sports Movement., Scandinavian Sports Studies Forum, Vol.2 2011
Sport, Politics and Ethnicity in the North. Workers’ Sport in Western Finnmark in the Late 1930s. Acta Borealia, 25/2 2008
Fotball, modernisering og identitet i Finnmark, 1908 til 1935. Heimen, 43/2006
Norske fiendebilder. Medias fortellinger fra Heysel Stadion i Historisk Tidsskrift, nr.1 2003.


Sport, Ethno-Politics and Sámi Identity in Northern Norway: The Organizing of the Sámi Sports Movement (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 2, 2011)
Sport: Race, Ethnicity and Identity: Building Global Understanding Daryl Adair (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (recension 140131)
Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues Janice Forsyth & Audrey R. Giles (red) Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2013 (recension 150121)
Sport, Race and Ethnicity: The Scope of Belonging Katie Liston & Paddy Dolan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (recension 160121)
Heja Persson! Samisk triumf i VasaloppetIsak Lidström Malmö: Arx Förlag 2018 (recension 190124)
Traditional Sports and Games in the Conemporary World: The New Face of Sport? Bartosz Prabucki Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 (review in English by Helge Chr. Pedersen, published 240229)

Skapad 2014-02-04 | Uppdaterad 2019-01-24


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