Sport Scholar Profile | Hans Lundberg, Linnæus University



  • Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Linnæus University


  • Linnæus University, Universitetsplatsen 1, 351 95 Växjö, Sweden
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Research Interests

I am Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University (LNU, Kalmar and Växjö, Sweden). I was Vice President of European Academy of Management (EURAM, Brussels, Belgium) 2014-2017 and Chief Analyst of the coordinating university (Linnaeus University) of two major EU Tempus Projects 2012-2017. I am Organisational Developer, Founder or Co-founder of 20+ organisational entities (i.e. companies, sport associations, research groups, scientific networks, master programs). I have worked in long-term processes (1-2 years) in 20+ countries and have worked full time in Mexico City in two long-term periods (approx. 2008-2011 and approx. 2018-2020).

My research focus is on early stage venturing characterised by vague gestations, competing logics, goal conflicts and resource constraints in contexts with high degree of ambiguity and uncertainty. Theoretically, I am interested in context, model building and conceptual history. Empirically and practically, I focus on emerging markets and low/middle income countries. Impact-wise, gestation activities in venture emergence can be process or outcome oriented. Both orientations are important. I was process oriented before but more outcome oriented nowadays. In relation to sport, I have for instance studied the systematic gestation of sport as an experience industry during the 2000s, the Swedish arena boom in the 2000s and done a scientific overview of sports as entertainment for the Swedish Sports Federation in 2017.

My research focus is governed by my 30+ years of practical experience as Organisational Developer Founder or Co-founder, and as such, forming structures, negotiating cognitive schemata, materialising the not yet realized, leading open-ended processes with high uncertainty and dealing with vagueness as a productive resource. This research focus is rooted in my deep involvement from young age at the frontiers of a movement that, as it turned out to be, formed a new competitive sport (Floorball) that in two decades was to become among the biggest in Sweden and now is spread to about sixty countries and in process to formally be invited to try out for becoming an Olympic sport.

My core speciality is to put premium scientific research to concrete use in high-end societal and corporate collaboration and to manage complex processes towards sustained impact. I have made many such efforts during the last two decades on all levels of society, from UN, EU and national ministry levels to companies and individuals operating hands-on. I have in particular been engaged in social and societal development in Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Mexico.

Author IDs, Scholarly Profiles & Scientific Result Lists

Recent Publications

Lundberg, H. (2022). Radically Overperforming Women Entrepreneurs in Mexico City: Alimentos Para Todos as a High Impact Social Innovation Case. In Yousafzai, S., Henry, C., Boddington, M., Sheikh, S. & Fayolle, A. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Women’s Entrepreneurship and Value Creation, pp. 327-344. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H. & Nordqvist, M. (2021). Next Generation External Venturing Practices in Family Owned Businesses. Journal of Management Studies, 58 (1), 63–103. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Ratten, V. & Lundberg, H. (Eds.) (2020). Social Innovation of New Ventures: Achieving Social Inclusion and Sustainability in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries, pp. 1–178. Abingdon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge. DOI:
Lundberg, H. (2020). Integrar, Empoderar y Expandir el Campo de Acción de Genuinos Emprendedores Mexicanos. In Bueno Castellanos, C. (Ed.), Ser Emprendedor en el México del Siglo XXI, pp. 17–24. Toluca, Estado de México, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Available: Here
Pellegrini, M. M., Gnan, L., Lundberg, H., Songini, L., Raith, M. & Starnawska, M. (Eds.) (2020). European Entrepreneurship Research and Practice: A Multifaceted Effort Towards Integration of Different Perspectives, pp. 1–198. Charlotte, USA: Information Age Publishing. URL: Here
Lundberg, H. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Mexico. Entretextos, 11 (33), 20–37. Available: Here
Lundberg, H. & Ramírez-Pasillas, M. (2020). The Other Within as Entrepreneurial Agency for Subsistence Entrepreneurs. In Ratten, V. (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Community. A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Creativity, Social Challenges, and Business, pp. 7–27. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI:
Ratten, V., Ramírez-Pasillas, M. & Lundberg, H. (Eds.) (2019). Managing Sustainable Innovation, pp. 1–194. Abingdon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Uwase, E. & Lundberg, H. (2019). Contextualizing Sustainability in Water Project Management: The Case of the Bugesera District in Rwanda. In Nilsson, P. & Heshmati, A. (Eds.), Efficiency, Equity and Well-Being in Selected African Countries, pp. 277–306. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M. & Lundberg, H. (2019). Corporate Social Venturing: An Agenda for Researching the Social Dimension of Corporate Venturing by Family Owned Businesses. In Saiz-Alvarez, J. M. & Palma-Ruiz, J. M. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business, pp. 173–192. Hershey, USA: IGI Global. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H. & Nordqvist, M. (2018). Everyday Practices of Corporate Venturing. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1), 1–40. DOI:
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H. & Umuhire, S. (2018). Entrepreneurship Policy for the Health Sector in Rwanda: A Quest for Contextual Social Inclusion. In Dana, L-P., Ratten, V. & Honyenuga, B. Q. (Eds.), African Entrepreneurship – Challenges and Opportunities for Doing Business, pp. 289–324. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI:


Masskommunicerad underhållningsidrott som koncentrerad livsförenkling: Om idrottens konceptuella gränser och begränsningar (artikel 050322)
Strategic Sports Event Management: An International Approach Guy Masterman Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann 2004 (recension 050405)
Sharing Best Practices in Sport Marketing: The Sport Marketing Association’s Iaugural Book of papers Brenda G. Pitts (red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2004 (recension 050606)
Fyra böcker om sport management – en kritisk läsning (Managing Sport Facilities [Fried]; Foundations of Sport Management [Gillentine & Crowe]; Sport Management: Principles and Applications [Hoye et al]; Sport Public Relations: Managing Organizational Communication [Stoldt et al] (recensioner 061213)
Sport Marketing in the New Millenium: Selected Papers from the Third Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association Brenda G. Pitts(red) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (recension 071024)
Economics of Sport: Second Edition Mark J. Eschenfelder & Ming LiMorgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2007 (recension 071107)
Idrottens anläggningar: Ägande, driftsförhållanden och dess effekterJosef Fahlén & Paul Sjöblom Stockholm: Riksidrottsförbundet 2008 (recension 100331)
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective (Third Edition) Packianathan Chelladurai Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2009 (recension 110309)
Sport Finance: Second Edition Gil Fried, Steven J. Shapiro & Timothy D. DeSchriver Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (recension 110330)
Torkildsen’s Sport and Leisure Management: Sixth edition Peter Taylor (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (recension 121205)
Handbook of Research on Sport and Business Sten Söderman & Harald Dolles (red) Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar 2013 (recension 140910)
When Sport Meets Business: Capabilities, Challenges, Critiques Ulrik Wagner, Rasmus K. Storm & Klaus Nielsen London: Sage Publications 2017 (review in English, published 170615)
International Sport Business Management: Issues and New Ideas James J. Zhang, Brenda G. Pitts & Lauren M. Johnson (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English, published 220127)
Trends and Advances in Sport and Leisure Management: Expanding the Frontiers Vassilios Ziakas (ed.) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 (review in English by Hans Lundberg, published 230530)

Uppdaterad 2023-05-30


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