Tag: entrepreneurship
Call for Presentations | The 2025 Global Sport Business Association (GSBA) Cruise Conference | Royal Caribbean’s “Independence of the Seas” cruise ship, February 21–24, 2025. Call ends August 31,...
Interested scholars and practitioners are invited to submit sport business research proposals for consideration as either an oral (15 min) or poster presentation. Completed research studies are invited as well as works in progress, to be completed by the conference date. The conference will be held in the Bahamas aboard Royal Caribbean's "Independence of the Seas." The ship will sail from the Port of Miami on Friday, February 21, with stops in Coco Cay (Saturday) and Nassau (Sunday), returning to Miami on Monday, February 24.
Sports Innovation Journal, Volume 4, 2023 | Innovations in Engaged Learning in Sport, Tourism, and Live Entertainment
The Sports Innovation Journal (SIJ) brings together researchers and practitioners dedicated to publishing research that informs the development of innovative ideas to move the sports industry forward through collaboration, access, and relevancy. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Applied Improvisation in the Sport Management Curriculum by Mandy Barefoot, J. Michael Martinez, Hannah Sensenbrenner Morrow (open access).
Call for Papers | “Innovations in Engaged Learning in Sport, Tourism, and Live Entertainment Education”, Special Issue of Sports Innovation Journal | Submission of abstracts opens January 1, 2023
The Sports Innovation Journal announces a call for papers for a special issue on innovations in engaged learning in sport management, tourism, recreation, live entertainment, and related fields led by guest editors Elizabeth Gregg, Jessica Braustein-Minkove, and Heather Alderman. Engaged learning is an active process by which knowledge and understanding are acquired through participation, inquiry, involvement, and direct experiences (IGI dictionary).
Sports Innovation Journal, Volume 3, 2022 | College Athletics
The Sports Innovation Journal (SIJ) brings together researchers and practitioners dedicated to publishing research that informs the development of innovative ideas to move the sports industry forward through collaboration, access, and relevancy. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The International Student-Athlete Experience: A Research Study Into the Transition Process of ISAs, From Their Home Country Into Life as an NCAA Student-Athlete by Ioanna Charitonidi, Anastasios Kaburakis.
Sports Innovation Journal, Volume 2, 2021
The Sports Innovation Journal (SIJ) brings together researchers and practitioners dedicated to publishing research that informs the development of innovative ideas to move the sports industry forward through collaboration, access, and relevancy. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: 'Actually, Esports Is Sport: A Response to Parry’s (2019) Misguided View by Michael L. Naraine.
Sports Innovation Journal, Volume 1, 2020
The Sports Innovation Journal (SIJ) brings together researchers and practitioners dedicated to publishing research that informs the development of innovative ideas to move the sports industry forward through collaboration, access, and relevancy. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: COVID-19: RETURN TO YOUTH SPORTS: PREPARING SPORTS VENUES AND EVENTS FOR THE RETURN OF YOUTH SPORTS by David Pierce, Jessi Stas, Kevin Feller, William Knox.
Disputation | Idrott som medel – inte som mål: Förutsättningar för socialt entreprenörskap inom idrott av Daniel Bjärsholm, Malmö universitet, den 7 februari 2020
The aim of this compilation thesis is to examine and analyze the preconditions for conducting social entrepreneurship in sport. In sum, the thesis contributes with empirical examples of social entrepreneurial sport organisations; a theoretical understanding of the “social” dimension of social entrepreneurship in sport; an ethical discussion on the role of researchers; and a starting point when discussing the Swedish government support for sport.
Call for Papers | “Sport, fitness and lifestyle entrepreneurship”. Special Issue of International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Call ends March 30, 2019
The aim of this special journal issue is to focus on how sport entrepreneurship is related to the fitness and lifestyle entrepreneurship, emphasising the way sport fits into individuals lifestyles based on cultural and social trends. Thus, the issue will be the first to explicitly focus on how sport, fitness and lifestyle entrepreneurship need to be integrated in order to advance the entrepreneurship literature.
Call for Papers | “Sport, fitness and lifestyle entrepreneurship” | Special Issue of International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Call ends March 30, 2019
Sport entrepreneurship is rapidly gaining ascendancy as a legitimate sub-area of entrepreneurship that combines health, wellness and fitness aspects that are increasingly important in today’s global society. The aim of this special journal issue is to focus on how sport entrepreneurship is related to the fitness and lifestyle entrepreneurship.
Call for papers | Endring, innovasjon og omstilling i idrett | Bodø 22–23 november 2017. Call ends 2017-09-14
Under årets NEON-konferanse i Bodø arrangeres en egen sesjon om idrett. Tema for årets idrettssesjonen er ‘Endring, innovasjon og omstilling i idrett’. Norsk og internasjonal idrett står i dag ovenfor store endringer, eksempelvis i form av økt kommersialisering og sportifisering, økende grad av profesjonalisering og fremvekst av nye idrettsaktiviteter.