Call for Papers | “Sport Management and Social Inclusion”, EASM Conference 2024 | Paris France, September 3–6, 2024. Call ends April 26, 2024

Adaptive sports day, Valencia, Spain, February 15, 2020. (Shutterstock/Vicente Sargues)

The theme of the Paris 2024 conference is “Sport Management and Social Inclusion”. In this regard, submissions that relate specifically, but not exclusively, to the conference theme are strongly encouraged. Participants also have the opportunity to submit contributions that are not specifically related to the conference theme in parallel sessions during the conference.

The main objective of all conference sessions is to encourage participants from related fields to share their knowledge, provide new insights and inspire the future of sport management. The sessions also provide a platform for inter- and cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations.

The Scientific and Programme Committee of the 32nd European Sport Management Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) invites academics and practitioners to submit abstracts and workshop contributions for consideration.

Deadline for submissions: Friday 26 April 2024 (23.59 CET). Please note that no extensions will be allowed.

Please note the following conference policy:

      • Restrictions on presenters: maximum 2 presentations per participant; the presenting author (as indicated and, if necessary, updated in the system by the submitting author) must have registered and paid the conference fee by 13 July 2024 to avoid exclusion from the conference programme and the book of abstracts.
      • Workshop restrictions: at least two contributors from two different organisations.

Types of submissions expected:

      • Abstract submission offers the opportunity to give an oral presentation in a parallel session or a poster. The applicant chooses his/her preference for oral presentation or poster.
      • Workshops are proposed by at least two researchers from different organisations. They are intended to share knowledge, encourage stimulating discussion and intellectual engagement between participants on a particular sub-theme (i.e. a specific point within a more general topic). Workshop organisers are responsible for assembling their panel and submitting a full proposal with a list of all contributors.

Oral Presentation Sessions

In the parallel sessions, each speaker gives an oral presentation of up to 12 minutes and has a further 5 minutes for discussion. The sub themes of our parallel sessions are as follows:

      • Diversity and Inclusion Issues in Sport Management
      • Sustainability and Sport Management
      • Broader, New and Critical Aspects of Sport Management
      • Public Health and Physical Activity Management
      • Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
      • Sport Consumer Behaviour
      • Olympic and Paralympic Games
      • Sport, Media, and Communication
      • E-Sport, Innovation and Technology
      • Sport Development and Socio-Cultural Perspectives
      • Sport Management Education
      • Sport Governance, Sport Policy and Sport Law
      • Strategy, Leadership, and Stakeholder Management in Sport
      • Sport Tourism and Events

Poster Sessions

Poster boards will be available for all poster presenters to display their work during the conference. Posters should be in portrait format (A0 recommended, 84cm x 119cm).

Submission guidelines for oral presentations and poster sessions

Abstracts must be submitted via the ConfTool system before the deadline indicated. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Abstracts not complying with the submission guidelines will be returned before entering the review process and authors will be invited to resubmit. For an abstract to enter the review process and be considered for presentation at the conference, the following guidelines must be met:

      • Length: the total text length of an abstract should be between 650 and 800 words, excluding the title, authors’ names and references (10 references maximum).
      • Text only: Abstracts must contain text only. Images (photos, figures and tables) are not accepted.
      • Title: use a short title to clearly indicate the nature of the research/project/contribution; capitalise the first letter of each word; do not use abbreviations in the title.
      • Authors’ names: include the names of all authors, their institutional affiliation and e-mail address during the online submission process.
      • Language: Abstracts should be written in English.
      • Formatting and style guide: APA 7th edition.

Abstracts may be submitted in two categories:

      1. Scientific abstract (including scientific work to be submitted to the poster session).
      2. Professional practice abstract (including practice contributions submitted to the poster session).

Category 1 – Scientific abstracts must be structured using the following sections * :

      1. Aim and Research Questions
      2. Theoretical Background and Literature Review
      3. Research Design, Methodology and Data Analysis
      4. Results/Findings and Discussion **
      5. Conclusion, Contribution, and Implication **
      6. References (maximum 10; to be entered in an additional box during the submission process)

* The structure should only be altered if clearly justified by the nature of the submission and contribution (e.g. conceptual work).

** In the event that the results/findings of a scientific abstract are not yet available at the time of submission of the abstract, authors should mention this, guaranteeing that they will have the results at the time of the conference. They should give an overview of the nature of the results and conclusions, as well as the contributions and implications envisaged.

Category 2 – For Professional Practice Abstracts the following sections are recommended ***:

      1. Statement that Abstract relates to professional practice (mandatory)
      2. Aim
      3. Purpose and Background
      4. Design and Implementation
      5. Outputs/Outcomes, Reflections and Future Development
      6. References (if applicable)

***In addition, such a structure might work better for scholarly contributions to the parallel sessions “Sport Management Education” and “Sport Governance, Sport Policy and Sport Law” if they are not concerned with scientific/empirical research. For example, contributions on sport management education might be about innovative approaches to curriculum development, learning environments and (higher) education management/policy (however, please bear in mind that your abstract should not be a sales pitch for a certain programme, but rather a discussion of ‘best practice’ and sharing of learning that other members of the EASM community might find inspiring and useful).


Convenors must submit an abstract for the workshop, via the ConfTool system, by the stated deadline.

Submission guidelines for workshops

      • The suggested title of the proposed workshop with a brief description of the relevance and purpose of the proposed workshop (max. 500 words).
      • Contributions to the workshop:
        • Name, institution, email address, telephone number, research area and short biography (approx. 100 words) of all convenors (minimum 2, representing more than one country).
        • Names of the contributors, their institutions, their e-mail address and the title of their presentation.
      • The desired format and ‘flow’ of the Workshop

Please specify what differentiates the workshop from standardised presentations (e.g. one or more of the following: small symposia, panels, debates; presentation by practitioner/policy maker/academic contributors, short/complete papers and/or impact cases, focus on or mix of technology-assisted delivery, etc.). Workshop panels should consider publishing their work in the EASM Sport Management book series or ESMQ special issue.


      • 26th April, abstract submission deadline
      • 24th May, decisions from track chairs (rejected, accepted or revisions required)
      • 07th June, resubmission of revised abstracts
      • 14th June, final decision from track chairs


Please contact the co-chairs of the Paris 2024 Scientific and Programme Committee, Kostas Alexandris ( and Tim Ströbel (, or the head of the EASM LOC Scientific Committee, Pierre-Olaf Schut (


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