Call for Papers | Olympic Games: state of the art. Interdisciplinary conference | Université Paris-Est, Paris, June 18–19. Call ends March 1, 2018


After Paris was awarded the hosting of the 2024 Olympic Games, the University Paris-Est began building an observatory to support and evaluate the effects of this mega-event in the Paris region. This first international congress is an opportunity to bring together international experts to discuss methods and tools for support and assessment.

The issue is by nature multidisciplinary. Contributions from all disciplines and interdisciplinary work, where possible, will be welcome. The participants’ papers should relate to the topics below.


  1. Environmental issue (air and water quality, energy, etc.)
  2. Economic issue (employment, investments, wealth development, etc.)
  3. Social issue (security, discrimination, education, gender, health, etc.)
  4. Urban and local planning issues (urban planning, transport, housing, etc.)
  5. Sporting challenge (physical activity, sport facilities, performance, etc.)
  6. Tourist issue (tourist flows, housing, local conflicts, etc.)

Required format for abstracts:

  • Last Name, First Name, Position, Institution, Country, Email address
  • A 250 word abstract, 5 key-words

Abstracts should be sent via the form available on our website

Fee : 150€ ; Fee for students : 75€

Deadline: Abstract : March 1, 2018

Fr any inquiries please contact

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