Call for Papers | International Mountaineering Congress. Zaragoza, 19-21 March 2015


mountaneerCIMA2015 is the name of the International Mountaineering Congress to be held in Zaragoza (Aragon, Spain) on days March 19, 20 and 21, 2015.

Titled “Challenges of Mountaineering in the XXI century”, CIMA2015 is a space for reflection and debate on mountain sports and their contribution to the welfare of our society. Its global, multidisciplinary and international approach ensures the success of CIMA2015, a milestone of mountaineering where they will put all eyes.

Beyond, always beyond

Throughout more than two centuries of history, this has always been the challenge encouraged to mountaineering. The spirit of achievement and personal knowledge, but also the natural and human environment have stimulated exploration of the mountains and other unknown lands. But the sporting challenge and in good scientific measure, it has always been accompanied by solidarity and complicity with the people living in the mountains. In sum, this is a sports and cultural legacy that mountaineers are heirs and transmitters.

CIMA2015 reflects that witness and takes on the challenge of becoming an international meeting place for mountaineers, researchers, professionals, athletes, companies, administrations, mountain people and all those who are willing to project the mountains and climbing toward the century XXI and beyond.

Participants are invited to submit communications to CIMA2015

In order to reflect, discuss, share experiences and examine the “Challenges of Mountaineering in the XXI Century”, CIMA2015 will organize a series of sessions for the presentation of oral communications and posters from different professional sectors (universities, administrations, companies, etc.. ) related to any of the five thematic areas of the conference: ‘Mountaineering as sports activity’, ‘Mountaineering and Society’, ‘Mountaineering and Environment’, ‘Economic Development and Mountaineering’ and ‘Mountaineering, Safety and Health’.

Communications shall be in one of the two official languages of the congress, Spanish or English. The Scientific Committee will decide the final format (oral or poster) of the communications. The accepted oral communications and posters presented at the conference will be published in an e-Book (with ISBN).

Coming soon, on the web CIMA2015, all information related to regulations, deadlines, discussion areas, etc will be published.

The deadline for submission of abstracts will be around the end of October 2014

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