The Editorial Board of the journal Materiales para la Historia del Deporte is pleased to invite you to participate in a special issue dedicated to images of the Olympic Games, which is scheduled for publication in 2024.
This special issue – directed by Pierre-Olaf Schut, University Professor and Marion Philippe, Lecturer, both from the ACP laboratory of the Gustave Eiffel University (France), aims to propose a reflection on the polysemy of the word “image” as part of a historical reflection on the Olympic Games.
Indeed, the word “image” can be considered from a figurative angle but also as a representation. The production of various kinds of images related to the Games is constantly increasing in line with the growing media coverage of the event through various channels. These images offer a vision of the Games which can be analysed through different questionings. Moreover, the study of these images invites a methodological reflection on the instrumentalization to which they may be subjected, that could be deconstructed through a semiological reading.
The image as representation opens the way to structured discourses, often ideological (political, community, etc.) which are played out in the most publicized sporting event in the world. And the representations of the Games, whether critical or conventional, constitute a polysemic, divergent and contradictory discourse that we shall intend to decipher here.
This special issue will accept articles written in French, Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian.
Please find below the publication schedule:
- January 31, 2023: Submission of abstracts for article proposals. Send an email to the Scientific Editors (po.schut@univ-eiffel.fr; marion.philippe@univ-eiffel.fr), and a copy to MHD (materialeshistoriadeporte.inef@upm.es).
- February 15, 2023: Response from the Editorial Board.
- May 1, 2023: Submission of articles through the MHD platform (http://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/index).
- June-July 2023: Return of reviewers’ reports.
- Early 2024: Publication of the special issue.
Please send an abstract (title – main ideas – corpus and bibliography) of 300 words maximum.
Journal website: http://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/index