The purpose of this research meeting is to pull together recent thinking from visual studies and leisure history to better understand relationships between the two fields. Papers are invited to discuss some or all of the following:
- Leisure in fine art
- News photography and leisure
- Television and the framing of leisure
- Leisure on the cinema screen
- New media and leisure
- Comics and graphic novels and leisure
- Fanzines and ‘underground’ subcultures
- Advertising imagery and leisure
- Spectacular leisure forms
We are seeking proposals for papers on a range of different leisure forms (including sport, cinema, popular music, theatre, tourism, shopping, etc.) and time periods. Papers with a focus on the South of England are particularly welcome, but we are also happy to consider proposals for papers on leisure and visual culture elsewhere in Britain, in other countries, and indeed, globally.
It is hoped that specialists from leisure history and cultural and visual history will begin new and productive dialogues on the theme of the event. Questions to potentially be discussed will include: how visual images of leisure impact on cultural understanding and stereotypes and participant behaviours, as well as being a major source in the creation of fan culture. In addition, more theoretical contributions that open up appreciation of the idea of the visual ‘in and for’ leisure will be welcome. Likewise, works on cross-media depictions of leisure are also encouraged, for example, how has cinema adapted/updated famous writings on leisure.
If you would be interested in giving a paper, please send an abstract (c. 300 words) and a brief biography to Paul Wheeler, Senior Lecturer in Sport Development Management, at and Professor Hugo Frey, Head of History and Politics, at by Thursday, 1st October.
This workshop is organised by the British Society of Sports History’s South of England Sport and Leisure History Network (BSSH South), which aims to bring together individuals in Greater London, the South East and the East of England interested in the history of leisure in all of its forms.
Where appropriate, the University of Chichester will offer small travel bursaries for British-based MPhil/PhD students to the sum of £90 and to one non-British based MPhil/PhD student to the sum of £150.